Porcelain House with no Equal in the World. 玩乐天津--举世无双瓷房子

In 2002, one collector bought one western-style villa built in 1920s in Tianjin, China. Then, he decorated this villa with over 4 thousand pieces of ancient chinaware, over 700 million ancient porcelain pieces and countless antiques. Therefore, this villa became one porcelain house with no equal in the world. These pieces of chinaware were made in various dynasties lasting thousands of years. There isn’t any modern reproduction at all. They have been one firm part of this villa. This villa once was evaluated at over RMB 10 billion.

It has been questioned by countless people ever since it was open to exhibition in 2007. However, with no doubt, it quickly became one of the most famous scenic spots of this city. Whether it is art or trash, everyone has their own opinions. Today let’s walk into this magical building to find out the truth.

If you are interested in Chinese porcelain, please continue to pay attention to me. Tomorrow, I will demonstrate the history of Chinese porcelain in a detailed way in Tianjin Museum. Then you will see countless invaluable porcelain exhibits.






WOW!There are dinosaurs here! 玩乐天津--天津自然博物馆之这里有恐龙

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