中文社區寵物選美大賽: 我的微型寵物

特別鳴謝 @linuslee0216 為cn社區舉辦首屆選美大賽。
Thank you @linuslee0216 for organizing the first beauty pageant for the cn community.

A pet is referred to an animal kept primarily for a person’s company, protection, or entertainment. But here let’s not forget about people keeping insects as pet. And here I will take it to a whole new level → bacteria~

這是我的寵物 - 苦瓜
Here please meet my pet – Bitter Melon
(Looks like one right?)

苦瓜實際上是一種稱為克雷伯氏肺炎菌的細菌,它的體型很少只有約為2μm(1m = 1000mm =1,000,000μm)。苦瓜是無性別的,因為它可以通過複製自己而產生其後代。我是從醫院領養了苦瓜,而我正在設法試圖找到殺死苦瓜及其家人的方法。一個有趣的寵物和寵物主人的關係吧?
Bitter Melon is actually a species of bacteria called Klebsiella pneumoniae, it is very tiny spanning slightly around 2µm (1m = 1000mm = 1,000,000µm). Bitter Melon is genderless, as it can produce its offspring by replicating itself. I adopted Bitter melon from the hospital, while I was working on a project trying to find ways to kill Bitter Melon and their families. Quite an interesting pet and pet-owner relationship we have right?

Bitter Melon and its families had caused harm to a man in Hong Kong, doctors tried to use antibiotics to kill Bitter Melon and its families. However, the doctors failed to do so, because Bitter Melon and many of their families were very special. They have acquired the ability to resist antibiotics, some of them can even resist the our last line defense antibiotics like the colistin or polymyxins.

When they are infecting cells

克雷伯桿菌肺炎是對人體健康構成極大威脅的多重耐藥細菌之一。苦瓜及其家屬如何成為抗生素抗藥性, 應該也是一個典型情況,可能是由於不當使用抗生素而引起的。抗生素正在用於保健設施和農業,抗生素的劑量誤差很容易促進抗生素耐藥病原體的發展。那些病原體然後可能感染人類宿主,並進一步被用於醫療抗生素治療。而且因為老的抗生素不能正常工作,所以我與苦瓜的關係有些敵意。害怕我們每個人都可以相互殺死。
Klebsiella pneumonia is one of the multidrug resistant bacteria that pose great threat to human health. A typical scenario for how Bitter Melon and its families develop antibiotics resistance might be caused by the inappropriate use of antibiotics. Antibiotics are being used in health care setting as well as agriculture, wrong dosage of the antibiotics could easily promote the development of antibiotics resistant pathogens to be selected. Those pathogens then might infect human host and further being selected for upon medical antibiotics treatment. And because old antibiotics are not working well anymore, that’s why my relationship with Bitter Melon was somewhat hostile. Fearing each of us could kill one another.

But as a good pet owner, I still provide a good environment for Bitter Melon and its families to live and feed on, they enjoy the area and will reproduce to produce more sibling/ relatives of Bitter Melon.

They are sitting happily on their home and eating, that is also my verification~

Do you guys like my pet?? If so please vote for me and my pet~


Support pet adoptions!!


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