Braised duck legs with secret sauce!秘制鸭腿来袭!


The New House District of WeChat group, the leader of the group say that there is a community dinner held in the neighbourhood . Each household comes with a specialty dish, which set off a frenzy of discussion. Then the people just like the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, Thus, a variety of dishes gushing out. I thought about it. What would you like to have? It's delicious and unique, simple but easy to do . It's still a secret duck leg. It's definitely my strong point. Now let's share my secret recipe, maybe you'll fall in love with it too!

Let's talk about duck leg before I make it. Duck is a kind of delicious food, suitable for nourishing. It is the main raw material of all kinds of delicious dishes. People as the saying goes "chicken, duck, fish" four big meat. Duck meat protein content is much higher than livestock meat, fat content is moderate and more evenly distributed. Nanjing duck, Beijing Roasted Duck are very famous, but today I introduced this is definitely a way you had not eaten. And super simple, easy to do.

I bought 4 fresh duck legs in the supermarket. A bottle of Yellow Wine, a bottle of sauce, this is all the material.




Wash the duck legs , boiling water, and then put the duck in and then remove them out . The pot of water, pour less half a bottle of sauce, about 2 to two. Put the duck legs into the pot again , the water should cover the duck leg.


煮鸭腿 2.jpg

The fire boils, then the small fire slowly boils. About an hour or so, the soup is getting thicker. By now you will smell of duck legs all over the house. It is a key step in your soup, sugar, according to personal taste, sweet taste is to put more points, I put two spoon, the taste is very good. Honey can also be used, previously tried, the effect is also good.


Prepare duck legs, salty, fresh, a little sweet. Very delicious. The boiled duck legs in Yellow Wine without other bad taste . The soy sauce adds to its freshness. Most of all, it's really delicious! Want to taste it? Then do it by yourself !


Thank you for your reading, welcome to upvote @bxt , and leave a message for me!

新小区微信群里,群主说要搞个社区聚餐。 每户人家自带一个拿手菜,这掀起了大家的狂热讨论。 大家真是八仙过海, 各显其能啊! 于是,各种菜式喷薄而出。 我想了想, 做点什么菜好吃又有特色,简单又不费劲呢? 还是做秘制鸭腿吧,这绝对是我的强项。现在就给大家分享一下我的独家秘方, 秘制鸭腿。 说不定,你也会爱上它哦!



将鸭腿洗净,烧开水,然后再开水中烫一下, 去掉鸭腿的腥膻味。 锅里放水,倒入少半瓶, 味极鲜酱油约2两。鸭腿放入锅中,水要没过鸭腿。

大火烧开, 然后小火慢慢熬制。大约一个小时左右,汤汁慢慢变浓。 这时候你已经闻到满屋子的鸭腿香味了。 现在关键的一步是,你要在汤里放糖,依据个人口味, 想要甜口的就多放点, 我放了两勺,味道非常棒。 也可以放蜂蜜,以前试过, 效果也不错。

做好的鸭腿,咸鲜中带点甜味。非常好吃。鸭腿在黄酒的煮泡之下,一点腥膻都没有了。 酱油又提高了它的鲜味。 怎么样? 这款秘制鸭腿是不是超级简单? 最主要的是真的很好吃啊!想要品尝吗? 那就自己动手做吧!


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