Don't apply any loan if you want to be a richman 若你想成为有钱人,请不要借钱


“To borrow or not to borrow? Borrow only if you can repay!”


There are many friends have asked me why I can retire young, I would like to share with you one thing.


I believe that many people may have credit cards, personal loans, mortgages etc. other burden, but in fact when you have this burden , you already be a loser.



Many people will think that the credit card as long as the monthly payment,and the loan until the end of the end, I am sure to tell you this is endless. As long as the head, it is difficult to end the day. when I before retire that i am working in financial, see a lot of young people bear the debt is not clear, the results to get family helpers, which not only hurt themselves, but also undermine the family's trust in you. There are a lot of credit card and financial loans's advertising seems to help you solve the problem, but in fact is not harmful.


He is a bank manager and he has been more than 40 years old. He has working in large bank at least 10 years, his monthly salary around fifty thousand to two hundred thousand, Annual salary is over a million, but he hasn't any asset, after he always still under 100dollars in his bank account after he get salary not later 1 week. Many people think why he isn't a richman? It is because he has credit card and personal loan, half of his salary to use to payment his debt.


Many people will think that they are restrained, will not repeat same mistakes, the results set foot on a no return. Because if you have control, will not set foot on this road


I think people should be determined, do not have the ability to not force, it isn'tt only hurt yourself and it will hurt others. Just as you have a child, bear a debt you can give him what? A stable life or what?

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This is my little personal opinion, hoping to help everyone
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