The development of China in the past 100 years and the development of Brazil.

In the last days I found a site that shows very interesting data. The diversity of data that shows  about many countries is simply fascinating. I decided to look at some interesting data and compare the development of Brazil with the china. The Brazil for being my country and china because I always hear stories of how they are conquering the world in recent years.

And also today, the new president of Brazil, Michel Temer, is traveling to China. I hope he can learn a lot to bring and apply in Brazil, after all, our development is a bit slow.

The site that provides the data this is;

Life Expectancy (years) & Income per person (GPD/capita, PPP$ inflation-adjusted)


What I find interesting is that even China has a large population, much greater than that of Brazil, it keeps the same level in terms of life expectancy and income per person.

Number of people by income & $/day


The interesting thing is to see how most people are going from extreme poverty to the middle line. This can be seen in the future steemit. With users considered small, evolving and going to the middle line, gaining importance on the platform.


The data may have error rates. But the important thing is that we have this powerful tool in our hands to query and analyze different types of data about many countries during the passage of time. I hope you enjoy and use their website to take off some curiosities.

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