Learn Chinese With Cryptogee And Minigee! - More First Tone Practice - 用Cryptogee和Minigee学习中文! - 更多第一声练习

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Welcome to another Learn Chinese With Cryptogee, in this video I practice my first tones again, although this time I'm helped by my 7 year old daughter minigee.

I think this is better than the one I did on my own, and I'm starting to understand how to string those tones together.

Big shout out to @wentong-syhhae who has given me some great advice on the last video; unfortunately it was to late for this one and some of the upcoming ones. However it has helped me a lot and I'm sure I'll benefit from that advice in the very near future, so thank you @wentong-syhhae!

Any advice is most welcome, so please let me know below!


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