10 Worst Tourist Traps in Prague! 布拉格10個最糟糕的旅遊陷阱!

Hello friends,

Are you planning your trip to Prague? If you do I would highly recommend watching another one of Janek’s YouTube series where he will point out some of the worst tourist traps that you can expect during your visit to Prague. Hopefully, you will be able to avoid those after watching this short video presentation. Like every other big city, Prague is no exception and there will be those lurking at every corner.

It would be great if you could share your own personal experience with your fellow Steemians If you have experienced any shady behavior yourself while visiting Prague. Feel free to add your comments right below. Have a great day and stay out of trouble!


你有打算去布拉格旅遊嗎? 如果你這樣做,我會強烈推薦觀看另一條Janek的YouTube系列的影片,他會指出你在到訪布拉格期間可能會遇到的一些最糟糕的旅遊陷阱。 希望您在觀看這個簡短的視頻介紹後能夠避開那些陷阱。 像布拉格這種大城市也不例外,每個角落都會有陷阱潛伏著。

如果你能和其他的Steemians分享你自己的個人經驗,那將會是非常棒的。如果你曾在布拉格訪問時經歷過任何不快的事情。 歡迎在下面留下您的意見。 祝你有愉快的一天,遠離麻煩!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

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CEO & Founder of CGH


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