2 Czech cities are in top 10 student cities in the world as voted by students. / 2個捷克城市晉身由學生選出的「世界10大學生城市」

Hello friends,

I am sure that by now you are pretty convinced that the Czech Republic and Prague, in particular, is a great destination for your travels. However, what you might not know is that not one but two Czech cities were voted by students as the best place to study. Number 2 on the list is the capital city Prague that gets its high ratings especially for arts and culture, ease of getting around, affordability and diversity. Students praise the city’s beauty, location in the heart of Europe, low living costs and a wide range of things to do, see, eat and drink. The second Czech city on the list Brno is so called the capital of Moravia and ended up on the spot number 4. Brno gets extremely strong ratings for tolerance and inclusivity, and ease of getting around, while also scoring very well for both affordability and nightlife.

The below is the full list as voted by students:

  1. Ottawa
  2. Prague
  3. Shanghai
  4. Brno
  5. Montreal
  6. Nottingham
  7. Boston
  8. Seoul
  9. Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe
  10. Taipei

So what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and come to study in the Czech Republic😊…. I am sure you will have a time of your life😊…. Please follow the link for a full article: Top 10 Student Cities – According to Students!




  1. 渥太華
  2. 布拉格
  3. 上海
  4. 布爾諾
  5. 蒙特利尔
  6. 諾丁漢
  7. 波士頓
  8. 首爾
  9. 京阪神
  10. 台北

所以,你還在等什麼?快收拾行李來捷克讀書吧😊我肯定這會是你畢生難忘的經歷😊請按下面的連結,看看完整的文章: Top 10 Student Cities – According to Students!


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Monkey Business Images

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CEO & Founder of CGH


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