Why it pays to travel! 為什麼去旅行是絕對值得的!

Hello friends,

Why it pays to travel? Travel is not only about discovering new places and yourself but also about finding new opportunities that will not come to your doorstep. The enclosed video will maybe open up your eyes and motivate you to make a move and start traveling more. I love watching series from Global Degree as they really convey strong messages. Do yourself a favor and watch this video from start to finish and see if that is something that might work for you or might have already. I could not agree more that in travel you will find the opportunities that you could only dream of. For me it has opened up the whole new world which I am extremely grateful for. Have a great day my fellow steemians!


為什麼去旅行是絕對值回票價的?旅行不只是發掘新的地方,還是在為你自己找尋不會自動來到你面前的全新機遇。下面的影片或許能擴闊你的眼界,令你想要作出一些改變,去多些旅行。我非常喜歡觀看Global Degree的系列因為它們常常會表達一些很強的信息。幫你自己一個忙,從頭到尾看一次這條影片,看看這是否適合你自己。我完全同意你在旅行中會發現你不能想像的機會。對我來說就像為我打開了一片全新世界。希望你們有一個愉快的一天我的Steemit好友。

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