Analysis of Steemit promotion on Twitter/關於在Twitter上推廣Steemit的分析

Hello friends,

I have started promoting steemit through my twitter and facebook accounts on regular basis now and would like to share with you some insights that are pretty interesting when it comes to numbers. I am going to concentrate on Twitter only for today. Please note that my twitter following is very low as it is the social media channel that I was using mainly to gain information on the topics that I am interested in. However, I am changing my strategy here and after the below analysis will start using it to promote steemit on daily basis. As you can see from my 3 published posts below the number of views is pretty astonishing considering my very low number of followers. I have intentionally picked 3 posts that were performing better than the rest. After analyzing my tweet activity on those 3 posts you can see the total number of impressions equals to 10744 as of now (times people saw those tweets on twitter). To me this is a pretty good number considering that it takes a minimal effort to publish it on twitter through steemit platform and costs absolutely nothing. Even though my other posts on Twitter are not as visible they still gain around 100 – 500 views each. I will do analysis for my facebook account tomorrow but I can already tell you now that Twitter is gaining way more views than my Facebook account even though my Facebook following is way higher. Please help me to resteem this post so we can kick off the advertising campaign on other social media channels to spread steemit to masses. Thanks ever so much and keep on steeming.

我已經開始定期在我的Twitter和Facebook上宣傳Steemit, 而我想與大家分享一些我在數字方面有趣的發現。今天,我想集中在Twitter上。請注意,我Twitter的帳號只有為數不多的追隨者,因為我主要通過這個社交媒體來瀏覽關於我感興趣話題的資訊。但是,在我進行了以下的分析後,我決定改變我的策略,開始每日的Steemit推廣。

從以下3個帖子可見, 相對我極少的追隨者來說,這些帖子的瀏覽量十分可觀。我在此特意選擇了表現得比較好的3個帖子。在分析過我這3個帖子的tweet活動後,我們可以發現這些帖子目前為止的總印象(瀏覽量)爲10744。對於我來說這是十分良好的數據,因為我只需要付出極少的時間,而且是零成本。雖然我在Twitter上其他的帖子沒有接觸到這麼多人,但每個帖子也至少有100-500的瀏覽量。









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