Big America – Czech Grand Canyon? 大美國 - 捷克大峽谷?

Hello friends,

One of the natural outdoors worth visiting for your day trip out of Prague is a place called Big America. Big America is located in the Central Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic, namely Beroun District, so do not let the name of the location to misguide you. This partly flooded limestone quarry is 800 meters long, 200 meters wide and 80 to 100 meters deep with an 18-meter deep lake on the bottom. The place is not only popular for outdoor activities by many enthusiasts but also for filmmakers. Big America is sought after by professional divers and also a popular spot for tourists. This quarry is an ideal place to visit in conjunction with your visit to Karlstejn Castle as the distance between them is only some 20 minute ride. Please enjoy few pics and join us there.


在布拉格,有一個名叫大美國的地方,是你必到的自然戶外景點。 大美國位於捷克中部波希米亞地區,即Beroun Disctrict,所以不要讓這景點的名字誤導你。 這部分淹沒的石灰石採石場長800米,寬200米,深80至100米,底部有一個18米深的湖泊。 這個地方不僅受到許多戶外活動愛好者的歡迎,也是電影製作人的熱門取景地點。 大美國這地方也受到專業潛水員的追捧,當然也是遊客的熱門景點。 這個採石場是參觀卡爾斯滕城堡的理想場所,因為它們之間的距離就只有20分鐘左右。 請和我們一起享受這幾張照片。


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: DaLiu


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: DaLiu


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Martin Lisner


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: DaLiu

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