Prague is One of the Top 25 Tourist Destinations as per TripAdvisor/布拉格是在TripAdvisor上頭25位的旅遊熱點之一

Hello friends,

Majority of you probably know the biggest travel website in the world TripAdvisor. Once again TripAdvisor listed the Czech Republic’s capital among the 25 most attractive tourist destinations. It is interesting to note that the travelers themselves chose Prague as one of the best places on the planet to visit. If you like to see the full list you can do so by visiting this link: Prague is One of the Top 25 Tourist Destinations

Year after year the number of tourists visiting the capital city is increasing making some of the top monuments little over-crowded at the peak hours. The absolute best time to visit those places is early mornings. I have found this fabulous YouTube video made by Prague City Tourism for those of you that are not early birds or those that won’t have the chance to visit any time soon. Please enjoy and have a great day steeming away!


你們大多數人可能已聽說過世界上最大的旅遊網站TripAdvisor。 TripAdvisor再次將捷克共和國的首都列為25個最具吸引力的旅遊勝地之一。 有趣的是,是旅客他們自己選擇布拉格作為這地球上最值得到訪的地方之一。 如果你想看到完整的清單, 你可以訪問這個鏈接:............。

年復一年,參觀首都的遊客人數不斷增加,令一些頂級古蹟在繁忙時間時過於擁擠。 清晨時份是參觀這些地方的最佳時間。 我發現了這段由布拉格城市旅遊公司製作的YouTube視頻,是專為不是早鳥或在未來一段時間也沒機會到訪的你而拍的。 請享受,祝你有個愉快的一天,繼續steeming。

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Outdoor lovers paradise – Krkonose National Park, Czech Republic/戶外活動愛好者的天堂-克爾科諾謝山國家公園, 捷克共和國
Beautiful yet undiscovered Jindrichuv Hradec! 迷人但尚未被發掘的因德日赫赫拉德茨!
The longest escalator in Prague – Namesti Miru underground station. 布拉格最長的扶手電梯 - Namesti Miru地鐵站
Cesky Krumlov out of the window. Perfect postcard shot! - 窗外的契斯基庫倫洛夫,完美的明信片素材!

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