Prague is the second best place in the world for expats to live according to a new survey. 根據一項新的調查,對外籍人來說布拉格排在全世界最佳居住地的第二位。

Hello friends,

According to a new survey, Prague is the second best place to live in the world for expats according to expat community Internations. Prague ended up the second right after Manama of Bahrein. So if you are looking for a change in life and relocation, the Czechs capital might be an excellent choice for you. However, do not expect locals to be very friendly and be prepared that learning Czech language will be very challenging. Those were actually two things Prague was downvoted for by the expats as you will find out when watching this short footage. Have a great day and keep on steeming.


根據一項在外國人社區舉行的調查,布拉格排在全世界最佳居住地的第二位。 布拉格僅僅排在巴林的麥納麥之後。 所以,如果你想讓生活有些變化,或者是正打算搬家,捷克首都可能是你的最佳選擇。 但是,不要期望當地人會非常友好,而且要做好心理準備,學習捷克語是非常具有挑戰性的。 這兩點實際上是外籍人士給布拉格的負評。大家可以從這個短片中了解更多。 祝你有一個愉快的一天,並繼續Steeming。

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Prague by your fellow steemian @nina.nowak. Great contribution to my photo-sharing challenge!.
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