Prague Zoo ranked no. 5 In the world!

Hello friends,

Going through my daily dose of news I just found out that Prague Zoo has been recognized as one of the top five zoos in the world by travel website TripAdvisor, in its 2017 Traveller’s Choice awards. So why not to pay them visit while in Prague and get a break from the sightseeing. I have to admit that I have not visited myself and will definitely put that on my list of places to go to in the spring of 2018. It is also interesting to note that Prague Zoo is the second most visited destination in the Czech Republic after Prague Castle.

Here is the complete list of top 10 zoos in the world as ranked by TripAdvisor:

  1. Spain’s Loro Parque,
  2. United States’ San Diego Zoo in California
  3. Britain’s Chester Zoo
  4. Singapore’s Zoo
  5. Prague’s Zoo
  6. US’ St Louis Zoo
  7. Austria’s Vienna Zoo
  8. France’s ZooParc de Beauval
  9. Spain’s Bioparc Valencia
  10. Britain’s Folly Farm.

Here you can access the full article published by Prague Morning: Prague Zoo ranked no. 5 In the world!


我每天都有閲讀新聞的習慣,我最近發現布拉格動物園被旅遊網站TripAdvisor列為世界五大動物園之一,還得到了Traveller Choice獎項。 那麼為什麼不在布拉格付入場費到訪這裡,順道休息和觀光一下呢? 我不得不承認,我自己還沒有拜訪過這地方,但我一定會把它列入2018年春天必到地點的名單。另外值得注意的是,布拉格動物園是繼布拉格城堡之後捷克共和國第二大旅遊勝地。


  1. 西班牙的鸚鵡公園
  2. 美國加州聖地亞哥動物園
  3. 英國切斯特動物園
  4. 新加坡動物園
  5. 布拉格動物園
  6. 美國聖路易斯動物園
  7. 奧地利維也納動物園
  8. 法國的ZooParc de Beauval
  9. 西班牙的Bioparc Valencia
  10. 英國的Folly農場

在這裡你可以訪問由Prague Morning發表的全文:Prague Zoo ranked no. 5 In the world!

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