Pravcicka Gate - Czech-Saxon Switzerland, Czech republic/普拉伏奇斯卡之門 - 薩克森瑞士, 捷克共和國

Hello friends,

Welcome to another natural wonder of the Czech Republic which is nothing less than Pravcicka Gate located in the heart of Czech-Saxon Switzerland. Pravcicka Gate is the biggest natural arch in Europe. It's monumental height and the mass of this rock formation will totally amaze you. This sandstone arch has a span of 27 meters and rises up to a height of 21 meters. This truly is an amazing place for a day out of Prague where you can also find relaxation directly below the Pravčická brána at the romantic chateau called Sokolí hnízdo (meaning Falcon’s Nest). Does it sound like a place you would like to visit during your travels in the Czech Republic?

歡迎大家來到捷克壯觀的自然景觀-位於薩克森瑞士中心的「普拉伏奇斯卡之門」。「普拉伏奇斯卡之門」是歐洲最大的天然石橋。它那驚人的高度和岩層的重量都會讓你驚嘆不已。這個砂岩石橋總長27米,高21米。這絕對是你在布拉格的好去處。在這裏,你還可以在石橋下浪漫的Sokolí hnízdo(意為「獵鷹之巢」)城堡放鬆心情。這是不是你在捷克旅遊必到的一個景點呢?


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: DaLiu


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Kaprik


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: Landscape Nature Photo

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