The Deer moat pedestrian tunnel - hidden treasue by the Prague Castle!

Hello friends,

Prague has found its place on the travel list of many visitors and slowly became one of the most visited European destinations. It was estimated that approximately 7.07 million people visited Prague last year which is quite significant compared to Prague’s population of only 1 million inhabitants. That is also the reason why many top attractions in the city are busy all day long with tourists unless you wake up very early in the morning or do a late night stroll through the city which I would definitely recommend to do at least once during your stay. One of such locations that are busy all day long is the magnificent Prague Castle. However, today I would like to share with you a little secret that vast majority of the tourist won’t know and will not be able to see. Only a short stroll from the walls of the Prague Castle in the close vicinity of the north gate of Prague Castle is located the deer moat pedestrian tunnel. I highly recommend you finding your way there if you want a little piece of mind surrounded by nature that is just right by one of the busiest areas in Prague. If you like watch this short YouTube video made by Prague Morning.


布拉格是許多人旅行清單上不可或缺的一個城市,也漸漸成為歐洲最受歡迎的旅行地之一。據估算,去年有707萬人拜訪布拉格。要知道,整個布拉格的人口只有100萬!正因如此,除非你起得十分早,或者是在深夜散步,你的身邊總是會人頭湧湧。我十分建議大家試試在布拉格深夜散步,享受寧靜的美好。其中一個整天都忙碌的地方是布拉格城堡。可是,今天我想與大家分享一般遊客不會知道、也看不到的秘密。在布拉格城堡北閘旁,有一個護城行人隧道。如果你想在車水馬龍的景點旁找到清淨的地方放鬆心情、與大自然進行更多的接觸,我會建議你去那裏走走。如果你喜歡,可以看看這個Prague Morning製作的YouTube短片。


Image source: Shutterstock
Author: DR Travel Photo and Video
Panorama of Prague Castle and St. Vitus cathedral

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CEO & Founder of CGH


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