我的吉他弹唱:花房姑娘 A Video of my playing guitar: Flower-House Girl

周末活跃一下气氛。加拿大朋友 @acrich 问我有没有弹吉他的视频。这里有一个,是崔健原唱的。嗯,是一首暴露年龄的歌曲。现在的年轻人没几个听过这首歌了吧。

@acrich asked me if I have a video of playing the guitar. Yes, I do.

Here is a song named Flower-House Girl, originally performed by Cui Jian, telling a story about the singer and a girl in a flower-house. They fell in love and enjoyed a happy time. The girl wanted the singer to stay with her, but the singer wanted to go to the sea far far away. Which would he choose, love or freedom?

Listen to my playing.

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