10days get fit challenge - Day 0 十天健康瘦身挑战

This will be my fitness log for the next 10 days. I have promised a friend that I will do my best to get myself fit within shortest period. In this case, I choose 10 days as 20th March I will be going to Penang for a 100degree Steemit talk. I wish to make sure I'm at my best appearance to all my friends! I'm also hoping, by having this short journal will help the friend of mine to be his/her inspiration to get fit. As previously stated, after Chinese New Year, I had put on weight, on the last day of Chinese New Year I was recorded 73.5kg. Hence I started to control my food intake this week. Below is my current state. I will try my best to inject short exercises on daily basis. I will update here on all my fitness related activities towards end of the day.




Current State 目前身体指数
Weight : 71.2kg 公斤重量
Fat: 22.5% 体脂
Water: 53.2% 水份
Mass: 40.1% 肌肉
Bone density: 14.7% 骨骼
Metabolic rate: 2537kcal 新城代谢

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