异种乐队 《私心》 非参赛车震试音 Alienoid - <Selfish> in car testing

今天的贴子非破音比赛的。只是一直想用手机尝试录音,在家里又太吵根本未能录音。既然是这样,想到了一个办法,就是把车子开进广场的室内停车场躲在车里面录音。出来的效果不错!只是问题在于,手机的信号📶极度微弱根本上传不到。音质也局限于手机的摆设位置,除了车门的扶手位置还找不到哪一个比较适合的地方。吉他发出的韵律震动着手机导致信号干扰。所以 @dapeng 哥的合唱暂时未能实现。在这里借这个机会分享一首马国本地创作的重金属摇滚乐曲-异种乐队的《私心》

Not to be confused, this post weren't meant for contest. Am here simply to share with you an experience of recording inside vehicle cabin as my parents house is too noisy weren't able to do recording. I parked my car inside a covered parking at the mall and recorded this. The result is somewhat beyond acceptable compare with studio recording. Except for 1 thing, the mobilephonephotography placement. I couldn't find a suitable mounting space, hence the nearest I can find is the door handle to hold my phone. The guitar tune vibrates the phone quite a lot, hence result in distortion. Next up, will put this song full version in 1 of the contests. Song was originally written by Malaysian canto rock band Alienoid - Selfish . Don't bother about my short cover version. Jump straight to the bottom for the original song.


然后,就是在附近找一间餐馆坐下,找到了wifi 上传这篇贴子。
And then, followed by finding a restaurant to borrow their wifi to upload this blog post.


On the first day of Chinese new year, not many restaurant in business. People mountain people sea!

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