Description(说明) | 中文 | English |
Current city(所在城市) | 吉隆坡 | Kuala Lumpur |
Weather (天气) | 雷雨 25 度 | Thunderstorm 25'C |
Exercise (运动展示) | 体重运动 | Body weight training |
Focus(注重部分) | 全身 | Whole body |
今天的运动 / Today's workout
Description(说明) | Rep(次数) |
Squat(深蹲) | 30 |
Crunches(卷腹) | 20 |
Knee pushups(膝盖协助掌上压) | 20 |
Planks(平板) | 30秒sec |
Squat(深蹲) | 25 |
Crunches(卷腹) | 15 |
Knee pushups(膝盖协助掌上压) | 15 |
Planks(平板) | 30秒sec |
Squat(深蹲) | 20 |
Crunches(卷腹) | 10 |
Knee pushups(膝盖协助掌上压) | 10 |
Planks(平板) | 30秒sec |
Total time(总需时) | 9:02 |
感想 / Feeling
Pleasant surprise for today's performance. Managed to shaved away 3 minutes compare to 6 days ago. Wasn't really bragging about it, as 9 minutes is a standard time suggested by the APP. I'm merely attaining what every ordinary person supposed to perform. For this whole week, I've been eating conservatively with reduced portion, stayed away from oily food and reduced of ice intake, that alone already taken away my painful knee joints. I may be having a run tomorrow morning, let's hope the sky work with me as today thunderstorm and rain the whole day already.