第9届 奥林匹克运动会(第二天) Steem Olympics Game #9 (Day 2)

Current city(所在城市)吉隆坡Kuala Lumpur
Weather (天气)阴29 度Cloudy 29'C
Exercise (运动展示)体重运动Body weight training

今天的运动 / Today's workout

Slow jog as warm up and walk up hill 1 round, and to walk back to car park within 1 hour.(Refused to pay parking)


感想 / Feeling

Too much of a good thing is bad. I whacked this Foot long of Subway breakfast. It may seemed to be very healthy given the fresh vegetable it served. However, with a proper calories count, this 1 foot of calories came close to 700kcal. Which means that for whatever calories I burnt from the run has been offset. The run though, was ok. I had to resort with a shorter route to complete the trail as I did not train the whole last week. I felt weekness on my feet. I'm going to come back for a running series in June. Here's the hill top shot at the bottom.


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第9届 奥林匹克运动会开幕式 Steem Olympics Game #9

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