Description(说明) | 中文 | English |
Current city(所在城市) | 吉隆坡 | Kuala Lumpur |
Weather (天气) | 晴 34度 | sunny 34'C |
Exercise (运动展示) | 体重运动 | bodyweight training |
Focus(注重部分) | 腹部 | core |
今天的运动 / Today's workout
200 jumping jacks 开合跳
100 burpees 波比运动
100 sit ups 仰卧坐起
100 leg levers 躺卧提腿
感想 / Feeling
I'm not at my average form today as I'm seriously lack of sleep yesterday. I squeeze it through the whole workout with many mistakes all over the place. I couldn't concentrate at all. My arms and feet are jelly and I can hardly jump up to complete a Burpee. Towards the end, I'm just rushing to finish everything off very quickly so I can get some rest. Shall I call today a failure? Not a chance, atleast I'm doing it with my best effort. I can still see a puddle of sweat left on my workout mat. Checkout the workout schedule, on 10th days I got to rest from my jumping jacks, but increased another 50 on the sit up. From there onwards, will be slowly addidng up to 800 reps a day! I better be ready by then and have enough sleep to support myself mentally and physically.
计划 A Plan
Below is the full plan for 29 days training. I'm going to make this as a disciplinary workout so I will continue to do. A commitment to the internet is so much more motivating than whatever I can promise to myself.
App can be found here 可从以下链接下载App
Day | Jumping Jacks | Burpees | SITUPS | Leg Raises | Date |
100 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||
100 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||
100 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||
100 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||
100 | 50 | 50 | 50 | ||
Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | ||
Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | ||
100 r1 100 | 50 r10 50 | 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 | ||
100 r1 100 | 50 r10 50 | 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 | ||
Day 10 | Day Off | 50 r10 50 | 50 r5 100 | 50 r5 100 | 11/04/2018 |
Day 11 | 100 r1 100 | 50 r10 50 | 50 r5 100 | 50 r5 100 | 12/04/2018 |
Day 12 | 100 r1 100 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 100 | 50 r5 100 | 13/04/2018 |
Day 13 | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | 14/04/2018 |
Day 14 | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | 15/04/2018 |
Day 15 | 100 r1 250 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 16/04/2018 |
Day 16 | 100 r1 250 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 17/04/2018 |
Day 17 | 250 r1 250 | 50 r10 100 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 18/04/2018 |
Day 18 | 250 r1 250 | 50 r5 100 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 19/04/2018 |
Day 19 | 250 r1 250 | 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 20/04/2018 |
Day 20 | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | 21/04/2018 |
Day 21 | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | 22/04/2018 |
Day 22 | 250 | 25 r1 25 r1 25 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 23/04/2018 |
Day 23 | 250 | 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 24/04/2018 |
Day 24 | 100 | 25 r1 25 r1 25 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 50 r5 50 r5 50 | 25/04/2018 |
Day 25 | 50 r1 50 r1 50 | 50 | 100 | 100 | 26/04/2018 |
Day 26 | 50 | 25 | 50 | 50 | 27/04/2018 |
Day 27 | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | 28/04/2018 |
Day 28 | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | Day Off | 29/04/2018 |
Day 29 | Dione Day | Dione Day | Dione Day | Dione Day | 30/04/2018 |
Those who doesn't challenge these standard workout, you can choose to replace these below
Burpee => Sprawl
Sit up=> Crunches
Lef raises=> Hand assisted leg lever(put your hands behind your buttock to help lift your butt higher)
波比 铺展运动
仰卧起坐 半仰卧起坐
抬腿运动 手扶助抬腿(将双手垫着臀部以太高来见底抬脚的压力)
If you have no idea what challenge I'm talking about, here's the link to my introduction post.