A Sunday $5 SBD Giveaway if you recognize this cafe #2 週日咖啡廳猜謎又來了!

Last Week on Sunday Giveaway... 回顧一下上週週日猜謎

A Sunday $5 SBD giveaway if you can recognize this nice cafe!! 週日咖啡廳猜謎再來一次!

It went well I think... even could say successful with unexpected surprises! See the winner @adamt 's follow story here: 上海漆畫女郎如何幫我在Steemit賺SBD的小故事 The lacquered lady of Shanghai .... I originally thought that someone from the cn community would take the prize as there is no point hosting this game if no one can guess it. 

上週結果很令人意外,上海外國遊客 @adamt 意外買水餃路上認出麵包棒而認出這間咖啡廳,賺到5 SBD,後來還寫出他那次遊記與這次驚奇得獎故事。我原本是預估應該是cn區的人可以拿到的。

This week I will let people from greater China, Asia, or even international users here have a chance... Well, you can view this expression as my FIRST CLUE!! 這週,這間謎之咖啡廳設定是讓大中華,亞洲,甚至世界各地朋友都有機會猜中。這的表述就是第一個線索喔!

Second CLUE is that this cafe belongs to a world famous hotel - just like last week Victor's belongs to Fairmont Peace Hotel... 第二線索是,跟上週一樣,這間咖啡廳是某間世界知名飯店的咖啡廳,找到飯店你就可以拿獎了!

Same rules apply. $5 SBD up for grabs. I think this one is easy - don't miss out!! 規則都一樣,別錯過,$5 SBD很快要送出去了,我不覺得這個太難喔... 

Update! We have a winner within 1 hour! Congrats to @borishaifa !!  恭喜獲獎者出現了,這次又不是cn區的,下次我再挑個適合的吧.... 去過又拍過照的咖啡廳正在減少中,哈哈!下週見!

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