Father and Son

This is not an extraordinary photo nor one with intriguing stories... Rather, this is just for my own record. It is just a moment for me to remember. Yeah. I am the father and that's my son. Taken on 5th of Dec 2015 in Taipei Expo Park. 

說是要記錄我自己的父子照片,也對。但主要是分享給cn區朋友,或許你覺得眼熟... 我自己今天整理照片,無意間看到,突然意識到似乎很像... well, you know who... :D ... 去年底在台北花博公園拍的,那時還不識各位好友們啊.... 

p.s. 順道update一下, 原本說本周要推出點東西, 但可能會暫緩一下(諸多原因), 還好有 @lalala 出來要推動些事情,需要資源幫忙的話請隨時召喚我啊... 

Note. After submission, I found that this is my 500th post! Although as I said before that this number refers to both posts and replies/comments and the later usually is several times the former... Well, what the heck, 500 looks good! So I post this historical moment here as well to share with you ... :P

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