I don't know if it still exists. After all, these photo were taken several years ago.
It's about 3 or 4 years ago when Tokyo Train Station finally finished her renovation. It was a big news for the entire nation. As a tourist, I just love how this Station looks - simple, historical and calm. I remember that day was our final day of our 7-day journey in Tokyo. Our plane was late in the evening so we tried to live to the fullest in the final hours in this charming city. I decided to go to this little cafe I came across a few days back but couldn't stay at that time. I knew it has a fantastic view overlooking the whole Station.
Luckily window seats were still available so I spent a little less than two hour here with a cup of Latte.
Well, I just starred at it and the time was near sunset. I was able to see the whole view from daylight, sunset to nighttime. Just couldn't get enough of it, but it was much better when I left. Even now I can still remember vividly how it was at that moment. It has always worked for me - thinking of life during your traveling and you can expect refreshing perspectives. Why this and how that, family and career, life and the world, existence and being... My theory is - when you are on the move, you can get rid of your old self and the boxes that limit you for a while, so things and people that you don't even know can trigger you to consider your current status in a whole new angle.
I cannot recall exactly what I thought about by this octagon coffee table, but I miss the moment so much right now.
東京車站。車站前一棟購物中心的咖啡廳。Tokyo Cafe Lexcel。
後記:這篇是看到O小嬸(好懷念的稱呼怎麼都沒人喊了)的夢夢文章後,想起了泰國清邁我曾經的一段記憶,想找當時的照片,找不到,卻意外看到東京的照片,反而寫到這裡來了... 祝願他早日體悟人世無常,按照我給他的建議來執行(請見回帖),阿彌陀佛。