Oil Painting - Flowers 油画——花卉

Hi everyone,recently I've been working on my oil painting. Inspired by many great artist,oil painting really ould be anything in our life. Nature,portrait,animals,literally anything. There is no limitation,only our imagination

This time I did a practical version of flowers,in a form of oil painting. Unlike digital painting using real brushes requires lots of work when I try to illustrate the outline of flower and details within it. It took me 6 hours to draw and finalise this flower,I am sure there are still things I didn't do it perfectly. If you click the pic and take a carefully look at the flower,you could see the shading and variations of shadows and light. Background and light source are being done using a round brush,one inch a time,hopefully you like my flowers and I will bring up more drawings in a bit.

All drawings are my original work,it takes times and a lot effort to finalise the whole drawing. Feel free to resteem this post if you like,give me any suggestions to make my next painting better.




今天,我给大家带来的是花卉。和传统电子绘画所不同的是,当我尝试着用笔刷去塑造花的形态和明暗关系时,还是要稍加思考的。颜色的运用,下笔的轻重,笔刷的方向,都会影响到最终整副画的效果。如果你仔细的看这幅花,你会发现我在尝试着在用不同的笔法来表现花 的明暗和大整体的一个明暗关系及层次,亮部中有暗部陪衬,暗部中也会产生不同的层次,以保证整个画面会融为一体。所有画作均为本人原创,绘画需要投入大量的时间和精力。如果你喜欢我的画,欢迎转载并注明出处,谢谢。


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