Yangtze River fish do you want to eat? (Original)/ 长江的鱼,你敢不敢吃? (原创)

In China's Yangtze River, many fish species, the most famous is the saury, Many years ago, I just learned to fish, often go to the Yangtze River, the Yangtze River a lot of fish, very easy to catch, even if you are a novice, you can catch some fish, because the Yangtze River fish never picky eaters, the Yangtze River fish, catfish, Wuchang Fish, Xenocypris fish, anchovies, small scales fish, many varieties.



Today, I introduced a fish, the Yangtze River catfish, catfish in the Yangtze River generally in August to November, to catch it to understand the habits of catfish,Catfish do not like the sun, that is, when the sun, you are difficult to catch the fish,They are generally hidden near the rock pile, 4 pm to 7 am, is their activity time,The bait is very special, some people use the dog's liver, some with duck, some with small fish, shrimp, but I use the bait is very special, that is black earthworms, the bigger the better, catfish it favorite black earthworm, A night of fishing 15 catfish, more than 100 pounds, one night all night fishing 30 kg Jiang Ya's record, and no one has been recorded, has not been surpassed, Break this record.




Yangtze River fish, you dare to eat?

Some people would like to say, the Yangtze River catfish should be very delicious, just beginning I think it is a good fish to eat, but once in killing fish, with a major discovery, a fish on the pond, not to kill it, Spit out a small fish, after a while, and spit a crab, kill finished fish and found the internal organs of fish, all black, since then, when I kill the fish to pay attention to the visceral color of the Yangtze River fish, Larger fishing, visceral all black, especially the lungs and the liver part of the fish, this is a very amazing discovery, as to what causes, do not say you know.





Since this discovery, never to catch the Yangtze River fish, because these are unhealthy fish, fish in the lake compared to catfish, bright red color, no pollution.

My answer is:Live in the bottom of the Yangtze River fish do not eat,Because they live near the city life stream, Their food is municipal solid waste

今天我通过介绍一种鱼,长江鲶鱼, 在长江钓鲶鱼一般在8月份至11月份,要钓它就得了解鲶鱼的习性, 鲶鱼喜欢弱光,也就是说有太阳的时候,你很难钓到这种鱼,它们一般藏岩石堆附近, 下午4点至早上7点,是它们的活动时间, 用的钓饵很特殊, 有人用狗肝,有人用鸭肠,有人用小鱼,小虾,但我用的饵很特殊,那就是黑蚯蚓,越大越好,鲶鱼它最喜欢的是黑蚯蚓,出钓选择下雨过后的阴天,夜晚,我目前创造的记录,还没有被超越,一晚上钓货15条鲶鱼,超过100斤,一晚上通宵钓货30斤江丫的记录,也无人打破这个记录.


肯定有人想说,长江鲶鱼应该很美味,刚刚开始我认为是很好吃的鱼,但有一次在杀鱼的时候,有了重大的发现,一条鱼放在池子里,还没杀它,就吐出一条小鱼,过了一会,又吐了一只螃蟹, 杀完鱼,发现鱼的内脏,一片黑色, 从那以后,我在杀鱼时就留意长江各种鱼的内脏顔色,发现鱼越大,内脏全是黑色,特别是肺部以及鱼的肝脏部分,这是一个相当惊人的发现,至于什么原因造成,不说你们也知道

自从有了这个发现以后,再也没去钓过长江的鱼,因为这些都是不健康的鱼,对比在湖泊钓出的鲶鱼,鲜红的顔色,没有污染.我的答案是,底层活动的鱼不敢, 因为它们生活在城市生活流水口附近, 什么都吃,来者不惧, 能吃的鱼长江鲶鱼,以及凤尾鱼,这些小鱼,倒是可以品赏, 有些是回游类型

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