Powerful tool to reduce grammar mistakes 推介一款强大的英文寫作技巧强化利器

I was first writing on Steemit in English, only to switch to bilingual for English and Chinese when I found out that the Chinese community is such a fun place to join. However, I'm not going to dump English writing anytime soon. Being my second language after the Chinese, I never stop seeking the chance to improve my English command and keep writing in this language would be a great boost.

Introducing the almighty tool for grammar checking, the Grammarly. Grammarly will scan through the article and point out the wrong spelling and grammar mistake, which comes in handy for those who are not yet mastered the language. This is my last quality checkpoint before posting.

Furthermore, Grammarly will email you the weekly report on your progress which I found to be really interesting.



还有,Grammarly 每个星期都会出一份报告,让你知道目前写作上达到了什么等级,还有常犯的错误等等,很有趣。

I've just unlocked the Herculean achievement today, which means I reached 12 weeks in a row of writing. This can be really motivational and appreciate the recognization.

今天我刚解封了 大力神 的成就,意味着已经连续写作了 12 个星期。挺有振奋人心的作用。

I will unlock the next achievement by the 16th week of writing which is next month. Of course I will be there!


They will show you the productivity against the other users as well. They didn't show the clear definition of productivity but supposedly they refer to the amount of writing you have done.

他们还会让你和其余的用户比较。第一个数据就是效率,应该是指文字总输出量。连续写了 12 个星期就干掉了96%的用户哦。

This is my weakest part, the grammar accuracy. My laziness to correct the simple mistake like dont to don't contributes a lot to this stat too.


Quite surprised by this stat, I used more unique words than 97% of the users? Can't believe that.

使用特殊词汇上我居然胜过了 97% 的用户?有点难以置信啊。

Top 3 mistakes I've made, seems like the comma problem troubles me a lot.


Clicked into their trophy page to see all the achievements you've unlocked.
They use legendary characters to represent each level, funny.


This tool is free to use and of course, there is paid version where they claimed to be able to detect more advanced grammar errors. Sure this whole report thingy was part of the strategy to subscribe their premium package but so far the freemium is suffice to me. Grammarly does provide a great help in reducing the awkwardness in publishing low-level grammar mistakes. Give it a try.

重点是这么有诚意的软件居然还是免费的,当然也有收费版本,据说可以指出更高级的语法错误。他们搞这些报告啊什么的噱头其实也是最后也一定会打广告让你加入收费服务。我觉得免费版本其实已经足够好,也很满意它的效率了。如果你还在为英语写作的语法错误而纠结不已,试一下 Grammarly 吧!

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