Ledger Nano S hidden wallet?Ledger Nano S暗藏钱包?

Hello Steemit friends, to prevent robber from forcing you to give out your password, Ledger Nano S can now set up a second hidden wallet, meaning the same Ledger Nano S s now can contain 2 wallet, first wallet with one password, second wallet with another password, so that you can put small amount on first wallet and put large amount on second wallet, in the event that you are forced to give out your password, you can just give out the first password

What if you lose your Ledger Nano S ?
You can always recover your wallet by buying the new Ledger Nano S and recover them using the 24 seed word that you have written down, and 24+1 word to recover the second wallet, so make sure you secure your 24 seed word and memorised the 25th word so that you can recover both wallet.

step by step guide how to click button can be seen on official site:

if you own a Ledger Nano S you can try it out, especially if you are rich

thanks for reading

为了防止被强盗逼你交出密码,Ledger Nano S现在可以设置第二个暗藏钱包,也就是说同一个Ledger Nano S有两个钱包,用第一个密码可以打开第一个钱包,用第二个密码可以打开第二个钱包,所以你可以一个钱包放多多,一个钱包放少少,被威胁时就交出放少少的钱包密码

如果不小心把Ledger Nano S丢了怎么办?


有Ledger Nano S的朋友可以试试看咯,尤其是如果你有多多钱


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