Where are all the Stupid People? - 在哪里都是愚蠢的人吗?


As I look around Steemit I see brilliant people that are solving the worlds problems one keystroke at a time, shallow people that take great photos, do-gooders playing the hero and an endless supply of well thought out, heavily polished articles about things that would interest a smarter man. We can't all look good in a bathing suit and not all of us can explain the difference between steem dollars and steem powder, so are there no idiots here or do we have bloggers posting outside of their means?

I can only read so many intelligent articles at a time before my brain begins to revolt, the letters start bouncing off the screen and the madness takes hold, so I need to hear what my fellow halfwits are doing in order to give my mind a rest. I want to know why you can't fuel a car with peanut butter and how you learned this, I want to hear about the time you were trolled into inserting ice cubes into your rectum for a night of pleasure and ended up in the emergency room. I know I am not the only one here who has had their stomach pumped after eating a bad squirrel, I just can't be.

I am not without sin, I too have posted something shamefully intelligent to Steemit, but thankfully you were kind enough not to read it and I have the opportunity to put it behind me. My only fear is that instead of writing about the time that you were all hopped up on PCP and used a dismantled microwave to radiate your friends, you are crafting and polishing Steemit tips and tutorials as whale bait. I am not sure how a whale could even find your “We Have a Follow Button” article with all the other whale bait piled on top of of it. No amount of writing tips will turn you into Shakespeare, the cold hard truth is that most of us will fail. So instead of writing what they tell us to write about, lets embrace the failure and wear it as a badge of honor, while we write about what we love.

You are my people and I need you to survive.


Hello Steemit, I am an Author and a Screenwriter

When a High Pressure Salesman Shakes Hands with a Lunatic in Disguise


我看看周围Steemit我见辉煌的人是解决世界上的问题一次击键的时候,表面的人,美丽的图片,人们假装自己是个英雄,是无穷无尽的深思熟虑的、重抛光文章的东西,兴趣更明智的人。 我们不能都看好在泳衣和我们无法解释的差异,steem bitcoin,所以是没有任何愚蠢的人在这里?

我只能读取许多智能化的第一时间我的大脑就开始造反,字母开始反弹关闭屏幕和疯狂的注意,所以我需要听到我的同事都是halfwits这样做是为了让我休息一下。 我想知道为什么你不能燃油车有花生酱和您如何得知这一消息,我想听到的时候你是不受控制的插入到冰块到你的直肠的夜晚很高兴和不限成员名额高达在急诊室里。 我知道我不是只有一人有他们的胃部抽吃坏的鼠笼,我只是不能。

我不是没有罪,我也发布了可耻的智能Steemit,但令人欣慰的是,你没有阅读它,我就有机会把它放在我背后。 我只担心的是,而不是编写的有关该事件的被拆除的微波辐射您的朋友,您正在起草和抛光Steemit提示和教程为鲸的诱饵。 我不知道一条鲸鱼甚至可以查找您的带饵的文章和所有其他的鲸鱼的诱饵的相互堆叠。 写作提示将不会使您成为莎士比亚,事实的真相是,我们大多数人都将会失败。 而不是写什么。 他们告诉我们要写的东西, 让接受故障和磨损它作为一种荣耀的象征, 虽然我们写我们的爱。





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