🍙 (ENG/中文) #015 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide
Hill Like Warship Sushi
(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip Tokyo食レポグルメガイド) 🍙
上回 / Last Episode #014 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :
2月8日遊記 / 8 February Trip Review:
Today I planned to go to Nagoya. Before going, I went to the Targeted Restaurant and continued Fans Life in Japan. This restaurant was introduced by Miss Shiraishi Mai of Nogizaka 46 in TV program “王様のブランチ”. The gourmet is sushi cuisine that is down to earth sushi chain style. There are many branches for this restaurant and I had tried it long time ago. However, God of Beauty recommended so I tried it again! Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip!
這天計劃去名古屋,出發前去吃目標食店。食店也是和粉絲生活有關的!繼續跟隨「食べ石」さん白石麻衣「王様のブランチ」介紹的迴轉壽司系列。這間位於上野的「三浦三崎港」,在東京有很多分店,因為價錢便宜,所以也很受歡迎。事實上這間食店很久以前有吃過其他分店,既然美神介紹,那就再試一下她的推介壽司。「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」
今天计划去名古屋,出发前去吃目标食店。食店也是和粉丝生活有关的!继续跟随「食べ石」さん白石麻衣「王様のブランチ」介绍的回转寿司系列。这间位于上野的「三浦三崎港」,在东京有很多分店,因为价钱便宜,所以也很受欢迎。事实上这间食店很久以前有吃过其他分店,既然美神介绍,那就再试一下她的推介寿司。 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」
Read the menu, the warship sushi was very eye catching. And I would try Miss Shiraishi Mai’s choices!
For sushi chain restaurant, you could order sushi even that kind of sushi was not on the chain. The restaurant was funny that the chef passed the sushi to guest by paddle just like Hokkaido Robatayaki (炉端焼き)
The sushi I tried was Salted Tuna (Shiodzuke maguro塩漬けまぐろ) (260 Yen). It is the most famous dish of the restaurant. In general, the pickled sashimi or fish would lose the freshness while the taste became strong. The tuna was pickled by salt and once grapefruit was added, it created special taste. The effect was good! Just like people like pour some salt on watermelon that made the watermelon even sweeter! The taste of the sushi was just fine.
第一件是食店說的招牌必吃塩漬けまぐろ 260円。通常漬物經過時間醃製,會令原有新鮮度減少,不過調味上增添味道。這件以塩輕微醃漬,配上碟上的柚子,就像吃西瓜加塩一樣變的效果。味道可以。
第一件是食店说的招牌必吃塩渍けまぐろ 260円。通常渍物经过时间腌制,会令原有新鲜度减少,不过调味上增添味道。这件以塩轻微腌渍,配上碟上的柚子,就像吃西瓜加塩一样变的效果。味道可以。
The second one was Tuna Falling Warships(Maguro nakaochi gunkan まぐろ中落ち軍艦). The tuna was cut in small pieces and built up as a small hill. I couldn’t tell that it was very delicious. However, the quantity was too much for such a bargaining price as 100 Yen! (US$0.9)!
第二件是まぐろ中落ち军舰,以赤身切粒堆成一个小山的军舰寿司,不能说这个是超级好吃,但是份量多而价格只是100円! (港币7.2元/人民币5.8/台币27/USD0.9)超便宜下这是值得一吃
The third one was Tuna Toro Scratch Warship (Maguro toro hikkaki gunkanまぐろトロひっかき軍艦) . I saw there were many big sashimi warship moving around the chain. I picked this because I liked eating Toro!
The outlook and size were similar to Tuna Falling Warship. The meat liked a hill! Since Tuna Toro were more fatty than normal tuna, the price was a little bit higher. (560 Yen). This dish were limited to 10 plates per day.
The selling point of the restaurant is Big Warship Sushi. Comparing with other sushi chain, the size and quantity are big and more as 1.5 times! No matter the tuna, sweet shrimp, seafood salad etc, the warship was huge. The overall rating was a little bit higher than average. Some dishes were great deals. However, it was not the top level sushi chain.
After eating sushi, I went to Nagoya with “Lemon Ball”! Let’s continue in next post!
Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
まぐろ中落ち軍艦 100円Overall Rating/綜合評分:
GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟🌟
SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟Name/店名:
Kaitenzushi (Sushi Train)
迴轉壽司 回転寿司
6-12-14 Ueno Taito Tokyo
JR Ueno Station
JR 上野駅不忍口徒歩1分Working Hours/營業時間:
Monday-Friday 10:30~23:00
Saturday, Sunday, Holiday 10:30~22:00
星期一-五 10:30~23:00 星期六,日,假期 10:30~22Day Off/休息日:
No day off
So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!
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