(ENG/中文) #023 Japan Osaka Gourmet Travel Guide: 爆食日本美食大阪篇 <福島KOZOU+ > :多变化无汁肉拉面 / King Pork Italian Style Ramen / 勁量豚骨まぜそば (好孩子 Goodboy Philip 食レポグルメガイド)


🍝 (ENG/中文) #023 Japan Osaka Gourmet Travel Guide: 🍝


<福島KOZOU+ >


King Pork Italian Style Ramen

(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポグルメガイド)

上回 / Last Episode #022 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :

After coming back from Kyoto, tonight I went to this Ramen restaurant in Fukushima! I had been here few months ago. The ramen style of this restaurant is not soup or dipping ones. It is “No soup” ramen, or you can name it as汁なしorまぜそば mazen soba. * Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip!*

從京都回到了大阪,晚上到了福島站的目標食店,隔了幾個月第二次來吃。拉麵食法隨了有湯麵式、沾汁式,另有一款沒汁式(汁なし)。這間拉麵店是屬於好孩子返吃系列的其中一間。 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

從京都回到了大阪,晚上到了福岛站的目标食店,隔了几个月第二次来吃。拉面食法随了有汤面式、沾汁式,另有一款没汁式(汁なし)。这间拉面店是属于好孩子返吃系列的其中一间。「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

When the restaurant new opened, the main characteristic was its “Dice Meat”. Ten to twenty pieces of dice like meat were so delicious. And now they are replaced by the King Pork, which is the bacon like pork as Cha Siu!

開業初期,她以一種類似骰子一口肉取代叉燒,很多很多粒。今時今日她變身成長型扒肉作叉燒!名字很有神氣:King Pork!

开业初期,她以一种类似骰子一口肉取代叉烧,很多很多粒。今时今日她变身成长型扒肉作叉烧!名字很有神气:King Pork!

Today I had ordered King Pork normal size (800Yen), add W meat (200Yen) and Egg (100Yen). You can add more toppings depending on personal preferences, such as cheese. And you can mix it as west with east style no soup ramen oil soba.

這天點的是豚骨まぜそば KING PORK並(800円)、兩倍肉.W(200円)、雞蛋(100円)合共1100円。她還有其他配料自加錢選擇,例如芝士。將自己條配一個日式西式混合的無汁拉麵。

这天点的是豚骨まぜそば KING PORK并(800円)、两倍肉.W(200円)、鸡蛋(100円)合共1100円。她还有其他配料自加钱选择,例如芝士。将自己条配一个日式西式混合的无汁拉面。

The King Pork meats were huge! When they were burned and the oil comes out that were so greasily but delicious! I was fully satisfied on it!

那塊 King Pork 叉燒之巨大實在不用說,燒起來逼出的香油,實在太惹味!肥脂和肉令我迷到了!咬下那肉與油的口感,非常滿足!

那块 King Pork 叉烧之巨大实在不用说,烧起来逼出的香油,实在太惹味!肥脂和肉令我迷到了!咬下那肉与油的口感,非常满足!

This bowl of no soup ramen actually was not without liquid or sauce. The prepared sauce was at the bottom of meat and noodles. No doubt, the sauce was the secret of the restaurant You can mix the onions, garlics. And there were some sauce such as Tabasco, olive oil…on the table and you can add it freely.



Next I mixed it thoroughly! Everytime I added one sauce, the taste was changed! Hence, I never felt it was the same taste for meal. It was funny!



Moreover, the egg was filled with yulk. Once I mixed the yulk into the ramen, it was even thicker taste. It was so delicious!



Overall, this ramen looked like Italian noodles and oil soba. Last time I added cheese, but missed it this time. I would say that it was my mistake. The effect of adding cheese with egg will create super delicious taste for oil soba! Although the ramen was expensive as 1100Yen, I still highly recommend!



  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
    豚骨まぜそば KING PORK + Cheese

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:
    豚骨まぜそば KOZOU+

  • Category/類型/ジャンル:
    Ramen, Abura soba
    Ramen/拉面/拉麵/ラーメン 油そば

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