(ENG/中文) 日本追星粉絲生活 #03:送禮物給 NMB48 市川美織 / Gift for Japanese Idol Ichikawa Miorin / AKB48 ヲタ活 (好孩子 Goodboy Philip)

(ENG/中文) 日本追星粉絲生活 #03:送禮物給 NMB48 市川美織 / Gift for Japanese Idol Ichikawa Miorin / AKB48 ヲタ活 (好孩子 Goodboy Philip)

😄AKB48 ヲタ活😄

🎌 日本追星粉絲生活 #03: 🎌

送禮物給 NMB48 市川美織

Gift for Japanese Idol Ichikawa Miorin

(好孩子 Goodboy Philip)

Before watching AKB48 Kojima Haruna Graduation Live, I went to Harajuku to buy gift for Ichikawa Miorin. It was because it’s her birthday and the stage show on next day. Japanese is shopaholic but you seldom see them holding many big bags on hand. It is because they put all the stuff in locker, in train station or department store. The extensive distribution of locker everywhere is so convenient for shopaholic.


In Takeshita Dori, there is a locker shop. It was simple to put your luggage or belongings inside the locker, press the payment method and take the “open locker code” with recept. Sinple!

在竹下通有一間儲物櫃店,買完寄存在 locker 非常簡單。選擇儲存櫃,放東西進去,選擇付款方法,然後付款取回印有開儲物櫃的密碼紙。完成!

在竹下通有一间储物柜店,买完寄存在 locker 非常简单。选择储存柜,放东西进去,选择付款方法,然后付款取回印有开储物柜的密码纸。完成!

Source: しぃぼるとぷろだくしょん (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYfg0scv3ISuvVL025Xwqhg)

Ichikawa Miorin woke up early and prepared her stage drama show “こと~築地寿司物語~”. Before I watched the show, I gave the gift to the staff. Normally, giving the gift to AKB48 members was complicated than Hong Kong. Fans had to fill in the form and present the gift receipt that cannot exceed over 5000Yen. For this time, without AKB48 constraint, I passed the gift easily.

陽菜畢業 con 後,第二天市川美織みおりん的舞台劇【こと~築地寿司物語~】在築地本願寺舉行,我看舞台劇前在前台交給工作人員。日本送禮物給偶像,比香港複雜很多,以48 group 為例,經由經理人公司的話,要填表和申報價錢(不能超過5000 Yen),更加沒有可能在表演場地「台上送禮」。這次因為不是 48 group,所以可以沒有太多限制,很簡單。

阳菜毕业 con 后,第二天市川美织みおりん的舞台剧【こと~筑地寿司物语~】在筑地本愿寺举行,我看舞台剧前在前台交给工作人员。日本送礼物给偶像,比香港复杂很多,以48 group 为例,经由经理人公司的话,要填表和申报价钱(不能超过5000 Yen),更加没有可能在表演场地「台上送礼」。这次因为不是 48 group,所以可以没有太多限制,很简单。



As a Fans, it would be sad if the gift was thrown by idol. I gave her my Tokyo Gourmet Book since she encouraged and inspired me to write it. I promised to give her once the book was published.




Another birthday gift was pajama, in Abema TV she talked about the number of pajama she had. Surprisingly, she only had one pajama in Tokyo and Osaka respectively. So I bought her a Melody pajama because she liked Melody a lot. And the pajama was on sale no more than 5000 Yen. The pajama was soft like pillow!

另一份是正經的生日禮物,因為她在 AbemaTV 上和粉絲的問答遊戲中叫大家猜她有多少件睡衣,好孩子答錯了!她說東京大阪宿舍只有一套睡衣!於是心想不如送睡衣?還有成員們給她慶祝時送她 melody 蛋糕,以及在 chanrio X AKB48 發表日她抱著最愛的 melody,去 Sanrio 玩也是只跟 melody 背景拍照!送 Melody 睡衣吧!想起竹下通有間女性內衣店有賣,原來套裝正在減價只需要 5000 YEN,這份禮物不作他選呢!Melody 的軟棉棉套裝!

另一份是正经的生日礼物,因为她在 AbemaTV 上和粉丝的问答游戏中叫大家猜她有多少件睡衣,好孩子答错了!她说东京大阪宿舍只有一套睡衣!于是心想不如送睡衣?还有成员们给她庆祝时送她 melody 蛋糕,以及在 chanrio X AKB48 发表日她抱着最爱的 melody,去 Sanrio 玩也是只跟 melody 背景拍照!送 Melody 睡衣吧!想起竹下通有间女性内衣店有卖,原来套装正在减价只需要 5000 YEN,这份礼物不作他选呢! Melody 的软棉棉套装!


I passed her the letter that hope she could wear the pajama for lemon fans family. I was so happy that she wore the pajama at the backstage of the show on next day. Look at her smile. You are happy and I am happy too!😄



So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!

这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!

今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋

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