(ENG/中文) Japan Gourmet Travel Guide #008 爆食日本美食東京篇<惠比壽Blacows>:人气ミート矢泽姐妹A5和牛汉堡包店 A5 Wagyu Hamburger Restaurant ミート矢澤姐妹和牛漢堡 (好孩子 Goodboy Philip Tokyo グルメガイド)

🍔 (ENG/中文) #008 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide 爆食日本美食東京篇<ブラッカウズBLACOWS>:超人气ミート矢泽的姐妹 A5和牛汉堡包店。Super Popular Mitoyazawa branch A5 Wagyu Hamburger Restaurant A5ミート矢澤姐妹和牛漢堡 (好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip Tokyo グルメガイド) 🍔

It was raining on the day when I tried this targeted restaurant! It is located between Ebisu and Daikanyama. Goodboy Philip went to JR station Ebisu and reached Blacows! It was kind of wet and slippery! It took about 10 minutes to walk there.

這天下著雨,也無損好孩子 Philip尋找日本東京美食的心情。這間目標食店在惠比壽和代宮山之間, 我選擇在恵比寿 JR 站步行,大約十分鐘左右到達。

One of the toppest and most popular burger steak in Tokyo is Mitoyazawa. And today I introduce her sister hamburger restaurant: Blacows for you. The reputation and brand are no doubt on quality at all!

說到東京三大人氣好吃又便宜的漢堡扒店當然有ミート矢澤 (ミートヤザワ)份,而這間漢堡包店正是ミート矢澤的姐妹店!信心一定有保證!

Same as elder sister Mitoyazawa (Meat Yazawa), Blacows also provides A5 Wagyu (Japanese Beef / Nippon Beef) at bargaining price! The patty in the hamburger was made by 100% Kuroge Wagyu meat. The bread is collaborated with French Maison Kayser top bread chef. For only one to two thousand yen, guests can eat such a high quality A4-5 wagyu hamburger that is absolutely great deal!

跟姐姐店一樣,也是以超值價錢可享用A5和牛作賣點,漢堡肉除了以100%黑毛和牛製成外,麵包跟MAISON KAYSER合作研發,在東京吃漢堡包的平均價千多 Yen,差不多價錢能吃A5和牛漢堡實在超值!

One of the selling points is that the restaurant showed the information of the Wagyu supplied on the day such as the Wagyu code and class. The Wagyu was come from Miyazaki ken and classified as A5.

在店內告示板上寫有當日漢堡肉用的和牛的級數和編號。這天的和牛來自宮崎縣及級數為 A5。

I ordered Mozzarella cheese burger. The size of the hamburger was relatively small comparing with other restaurant. It was about 6-7cm wide. However, the patty meat was thick!

我點的是 モッツァレラバーガー (Mozzarella cheese burger),漢堡包比其大多數的店的漢堡包小一點,大概6-7cm,不過肉就很厚!

The cheese burger was delicious especially the beef! The taste of sticking cheese with beef was perfectly matched! Moreover, the bread was sweet and I liked it a lot!


The hamburger costed 1800 Yen. Comparing with other hamburger restaurant, it was a little bit expensive. However, for A5 Wagyu, I could not complain anymore! Haha…

這間以A5 和牛作漢堡作賣點,價格是一千八百円。相比其他漢堡包店是略貴一兩成,但是 A5 和牛作漢堡肉也不能挑剔啊!

After eating delicious wagyu hamburger, I continued my journey. On the way, I saw
MR.FRIENDLY Cafe (ミスターフレンドリーカフェ ) .

吃完這美味的漢堡,我走到代官山繼續下午的旅程,途中經過很多朋友喜歡的 MR.FRIENDLY Cafe呢。

  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
    Mozzarella cheese burger 1800 Yen / Bacon Cheese Avocado Burger 2100 Yen
    モッツァレラバーガー / ベーコンチーズアボカドバーガー
    莫薩里拉芝士漢堡 / 煙肉芝士牛油果漢堡
    莫扎里拉起司汉堡 / 培根奶酪鳄梨汉堡

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:
  • Category/類型/ジャンル:

  • Address/地址/住所:
    2-11-9 Ebisunishi Shibuya Tokyo
    渋谷區恵比寿西2-11-9 東光ホワイトビル 1F

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:
    Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line [Ebisu Station] 4 minutes on foot
    JR Yamanote Line • Saikyo Line 【Ebisu Station】 5 minutes on foot
    Tokyu Toyoko Line [Daikanyama Station] 5 minutes on foot



  • Working Hours/營業時間:
    Monday-Sunday 11:00~22:00(L.O.21:00)

  • Day Off/休息日:
    31 December-2 January

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