🍝 (ENG/中文) Japan Osaka Gourmet Travel Guide #026 🍝
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Big Naporitan Series
(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポ グルメ ガイド)
上回 / Last Episode #025 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :
My nephew will be borned and I planned to go to the big baby department store in Osaka. The department store is located near Minamihonchō Shinsaibasi shopping street. The target restaurant is nearby and provides B class gourmet. The company has many branches in Japan.
好孩子 Philip 的姨甥快要誕生,於是這天來到大阪的著名嬰兒公司逛逛,逛嬰兒店前,到附近的大阪心齋橋商店街南本町,這裡有一間B級グルメ 平民食堂。她在日本全國有很多分店。
好孩子 Philip 的姨甥快要诞生,于是这天来到大阪的著名婴儿公司逛逛,逛婴儿店前,到附近的大阪心斋桥商店街南本町,这里有一间B级グルメ 平民食堂。她在日本全国有很多分店。
In Japan, the most famous pasta among Japanese is Naporita spaghetti. The target restaurant this time is mainly serve pasta. I went there because I watched the YNN channel children gourmet program “mogu mogu naami” Nishinaka Nanami is a 14 years old girl who likes eating. I like her simple and pure comment on food and restaurant. It is totally different from that of adults’ commercial food reports. * Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip! *
日本人很喜歡吃意大利粉,很多意粉店都以ナポリタン作為主打菜式,這次我選擇這一家餐廳,是因為「為食小孩」西仲七海的飲食節目介紹 (「もぐもぐなーみ」#3),這孩子雖然不是食家,但是勝在純真的吃和評論食物,跟坊間收錢宣傳食店的大人們不同呢。 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」
日本人很喜欢吃意大利面,很意大利面店都以ナポリタン作为主打菜式,这次我选择这一家餐厅,是因为「为食小孩」西仲七海的饮食节目介绍 (「もぐもぐなーみ」#3),这孩子虽然不是食家,但是胜在纯真的吃和评论食物,跟坊间收钱宣传食店的大人们不同呢。「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」
Photo Source: YNN channel「もぐもぐなーみ」#3 【出演】西仲七海、山尾梨奈、上西怜
The restaurant serves pasta during lunch and beer at bar style at night. For lunch, there are seven types of pasta such as Naporitan, meat, spicy, Japanese style etc. The basic quantity is 400 grams cost around 520-600 Yen. You can add 210 Yen and 400 Yen for 600 grams and 850 grams respectively. The latter one has so so many spaghetti! You can see the photo above, see the quantity comparing with the face of little girl Nami!
這間食店以意大利粉作主打,日間提供午餐;晚上搖身一變變成酒吧。餐廳的意粉選擇很多,而份量方面也有三款選擇,基本份量 400 gram 520円起、大盛り 600 gram 加210 円、べらぼ850 gram加 400円。べらぼ 850 gram 那個份量超多的,看看孩子西仲七海和意粉的比較!
这间食店以意大利面作主打,日间提供午餐;晚上摇身一变变成酒吧。餐厅的意粉选择很多,而份量方面也有三款选择,基本份量 400 gram 520円起、大盛り 600 gram 加210 円、べらぼ850 gram加 400円。べらぼ 850 gram 那个份量超多的,看看孩子西仲七海意大利面的比较!
I had ordered 600 grams since 850 grams seemed too much for me! After ordered, I could see the chef fried the pasta in kitchen. There was fire on flying pan! The staff served the dish on the table and it was full of steam. The tomato aroma was good! The staff also passed me the cheese powder and Tabasco for self adjusting flavor.
我點的是600 gram,因為份量太多吃不完啊!點菜後不久,看到廚房那邊火光熊熊!店員傳菜來的時候,意大利粉也是熱得蒸氣飛昇了!傳來的茄汁很香!店員拿來芝士粉和 Tabasco 讓我自行加添調味!
我点的是600 gram,因为份量太多吃不完啊!点菜后不久,看到厨房那边火光熊熊!店员传菜来的时候,意大利粉也是热得蒸气飞升了!传来的茄汁很香!店员拿来芝士粉和 Tabasco 让我自行加添调味!
The taste of tomato for this pasta is stronger than that of other pasta restaurant. The sweetness and sour were intense! The dish contained spinacia, shrimp, mushrooms and shrimps and so much spaghetti. The spaghetti was fried well and just fine.
Overall, it was not a must eat food for traveler but was a down to earth food. For the quantity, it was great bargain. For tastes, I think it tasted good for first few bites but enough afterwards. The tomato tastes was too strong!
After lunch, I shopped in the baby department store for a while. Time for work and went to starbucks, bought coffee, found a seat and worked from day to night. You can enjoy free wifi service around Japan once you registered. I like the Starbucks in Dotonbori because looking the people below was funny. People just like ants moving around. It was so relax when I felt tired.
吃飽了去了嬰兒小孩的百貨公司。然後就到工作時間,通常我會走到 Starbucks 邊喝咖啡邊上網邊用電腦,日本 Starbucks 只要預先登記,在日本 Starbucks 是無限制上網的,很方便。就這樣在 Starbucks 待了日與夜呢,累的時候看看道頓堀的人群,很喜歡看「蟻」一般的遊人呢。
吃饱了去了婴儿小孩的百货公司。然后就到工作时间,通常我会走到 Starbucks 边喝咖啡边上网边用电脑,日本 Starbucks 只要预先登记,在日本 Starbucks 是无限制上网的,很方便。就这样在 Starbucks 待了日与夜呢,累的时候看看道顿堀的人群,很喜欢看「蚁」一般的游人呢。
Since I ate so much pasta at lunch, I had no mood to eat at dinner. I went to Namba to eat Osaka famous snack, baked cabbage cake. It costs only 140 Yen. Well, it was fried after ordered. It was better to buy fast food from convenient store!
因為下午的意大利粉很多,吃得很飽,所以晚上沒有什胃口。很簡單吃了一個キャベツ燒,白菜肉燒餅,乾煎的麵粉皮包著加了醬汁和豬肉粒,很簡單的小食,只要 140円。
因为下午的意大利粉很多,吃得很饱,所以晚上没有什胃口。很简单吃了一个キャベツ烧,白菜肉烧饼,干煎的面粉皮包着加了酱汁和猪肉粒,很简单的小食,只要 140円。
キャベツ焼 難波店Address/地址/住所:
1-18-18 Nanbanaka Naniwa-ku Osaka Osaka
For trip review, it seemed simple for traveling in Osaka. Instead of condensed short travel, I usually keep slow pace for long stay in Japan. Otherwise, my wallet and my body would be tired! Haha..
Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
ナポリタン (520円, 400 gram、大盛り 600 gram +210 円、べらぼ850 gram+ 400円)Overall Rating/綜合評分:
GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟🌟
SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟Name/店名:
Ōsaka-shi, Chūō-ku, Minamihonmachi, 3 Chome−4−4
大阪府大阪市中央区南本町3-4-4 大野ビル 1FTraffic/交通/斴近車站:
本町駅Working Hours/營業時間:
Monday-Saturday 星期一-六 11:00~14:00 17:00~22:00(L.O.21:30)
- Day Off/休息日:
Sunday and Public Holiday
- Homepage/网站/網站/ホームページ:
So let's have fun for next tour guide! If you like this page, please feel free to add me as friend, upvote and resteem! Thank you!
这次写到这里,希望大家喜欢!好孩子 Philip 的日本游记和食店报告,喜欢的话,欢迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,谢谢!下篇再见!
今次先寫到這裡,希望大家喜歡!好孩子 Philip 的日本遊記和食店報告,喜歡的話,歡迎加我做朋友,投票和分享文章,謝謝! 下篇再見!😋