(ENG/中文) Japan Tokyo Gourmet Travel Guide #035 爆食日本美食東京篇<蔦>:世界第一间米其林一星拉面店/ First Exceptional Ramen of Michelin Guide/米芝蓮一星拉麵店 (好孩子Goodboy Philip 食レポグルメガイド)


🍜 (ENG/中文) Japan Tokyo Gourmet Travel Guide #035🍜



The first Exceptional Ramen of Le Guide Michelin


(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポ グルメ ガイド)

上回 / Last Episode #034 Japan Gourmet Travel Guide :

蔦 Japanese Soba Noodles received the 1 Exceptional (1 star) from Le Guide Michelin in 2016 and 2017. It launched its branch in Hong Kong in 2017. I wanted to share my experience of eating this ramen restaurant in Japan after reading the post of Hong Kong one from @guyverckw . On that day, I arrived the restaurant at 7:00 am in the morning! Very sleepy!

在日本擇下世界第一間米芝蓮一星拉麵店在香港開了分店,看到 @guyverckw 的分享,這篇就分享一下當年在日本主店的食記回憶。為了吃,那天早上七點到達食店!

在日本择下世界第一间米芝莲一星拉面店在香港开了分店,看到 @guyverckw 的分享,这篇就分享一下当年在日本主店的食记回忆。为了吃,那天早上七点到达食店!

Sugamo is the elder people version shibuya in Tokyo. I had went there few times before. Unfortunately, I had reached蔦 Japanese Soba Noodles twice but the noodles and soup were sold out. And now, it is even more popular after being in the list of Le Guide Michelin.



Nowadays, you need to go to the restaurant early around 6:30 am in the morning. Around 7:00-30am, the staff gave me the number card after I paid 1000 Yen for the ticket. I was arranged to come back at 11:30 time slot and required to go back to eat at that moment.



Kimura Takuya 木村拓哉

Nogizaka46 乃木坂46

For four hours leisure time, where I can go?? Just go to Toho cinema that I wanted to buy some souvenir of NMB48 and HKT48.

那天距離回店吃拉麵時間十一點半還有四小時,早上只能到處流連一下呢。去了TOHO 影院看看NMB48 和 HKT48 紀錄片的產品,因為很快會被搶購一空。

那天距离回店吃拉面时间十一点半还有四小时,早上只能到处流连一下呢。去了TOHO 影院看看NMB48 和 HKT48 纪录片的产品,因为很快会被抢购一空。

I went back at 11:00 am and queue up for 15 minutes to entered the restaurant. Let me briefly talk about the restaurant. The name “蔦” is a kind of rattan plant. The reason that founder Mr. Onishi Yuki named “蔦” : The font “蔦” upper part is “plant” and lower part is “bird”. It is because he thinks “Although rattan plant is growing up from the soil on the land, it can still flying like bird if it has dream!



I gave back the ticket that I paid for 1000 Yen and add extra money for the ordered items. I had ordered Egg Shoyu Soba and Meat Rice (味玉醬油そば (1100Yen) 和肉飯 (300 Yen) (Drastically increased price!) There are few choices of soup on the menu: Salt soup (Shio), Niboshi soup (dry little fishes) and Soy Sauce soup (Shoyu). And the most famous one is Shoyu Ramen. I think most guests know the food and ingredients that the ramen shop uses. It is because many magazine and TV programs mentioned it already: The soy sauce produced in Wakayama for two years aged that is composed Nagoya Cochin, Aomori Shamokuro, fish, shellfish and vegetables. Frankly speaking, I can not identify all the ingredients of the tongue! Haha…So how’s the taste?

把早上先付了 1000 Yen 的票給店員,再加錢點餐,我點了味玉醬油そば (更新價格 1100Yen) 和肉飯 (更新價格 300 Yen)(大幅加了價!)。蔦的拉麵湯底有塩,煮干及醬油,以的味玉醬油そば最受歡迎,相信大家也在不少報導下看過食材的由來,醬油來自和歌山県經過兩年酵製,混合名古屋コーチン、青森シャモロック、天草大王清湯混合蜊、昆布、魚介和蔬菜調味而成的。我的舌頭還沒厲害到可以一試就知道食材原產地呢! 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

把早上先付了 1000 Yen 的票给店员,再加钱点餐,我点了味玉酱油そば (更新价格 1100Yen) 和肉饭 (更新价格 300 Yen)(大幅加了价!)。茑的拉面汤底有塩,煮干及酱油,以的味玉酱油そば最受欢迎,相信大家也在不少报导下看过食材的由来,酱油来自和歌山県经过两年酵制,混合名古屋コーチン、青森シャモロック、天草大王清汤混合蜊、昆布、鱼介和蔬菜调味而成的。我的舌头还没厉害到可以一试就知道食材原产地呢! 「好不好吃?跟好孩子PHILIP 爆食下去!」

The aroma of shoyu soup is pure and nice. I think the reason the ramen is outstanding among thousand shoyu ramen because of the perigord truffle! No doubt, this expensive ingredient makes the soup and ramen more delicious! The noodles are medium thick. The cha siu (pork meat) was cooked by popular method Cuisine sous vide. The meat was fresh and delicious. Overall, the soup, meat and noodle were S class level ramen. ”Taste good or not? Let’s explode your stomach with Goodboy Philip!”



Other than ramen, the Egg rice and Meat rice are popular as well. I ordered meat rice and it tasted like Hong Kong fired burned meat rice. It was very delicious that only cost 200 Yen! I strongly recommended this as well.



Although it was not the most delicious ramen I ate in Japan, it is still the high quality one. For Hong Kong branch of “蔦”, I didn’t try. Ihope it can keep the standard of Japan…It is because many oversea branch destroyed the goodwill of Japan brand over years.

One friendly reminder for those whom want to try this ramen: Many japanese rides first JR train to Sugamo and arrives at 6:30 am. For tourist who landed Haneda Airport in the morning, you can go to Sugamo to take the ticket first. Hence, you don’t need to wake up early and eat that ramen during your journey. So far, I didn't try the Hong Kong branch because the oversea branch usually cannot keep the quality...If you have tried both Japan and Hong Kong restaurant, please let me know how it is?



  • Recommended Dish/推介/おすすめ
    味玉醤油Soba 1,100円

  • Overall Rating/綜合評分:
    GREAT DEAL 性價比度 🌟🌟🌟
    POPULARITY 人氣指數 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
    DECORATION 店內裝潢 🌟🌟🌟
    SERVICES 服務質素 🌟🌟🌟

  • Name/店名:
    Japanese Soba Noodles
    蔦(ジャパニーズソバヌードル ツタ)

  • Category/類型/ジャンル/Cuisine Style:

  • Address/地址/住所:
    1-14-1 Sugamo Toshima Tokyo Plateau-Saka 1F
    東京都豊島区巣鴨1-14-1 Plateau-Saka 1F

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:

  • Working Hours/營業時間:
    Monday-Friday 星期一-五 (Wednesday day off 星期三放假) 07:00 am (queue up for ticket) 拿籌 and go back 11:00-16:00 回食店
    Saturday-Sunday 07:00 am (queue up for ticket) 拿籌 and go back 11:00-16:00 回食店

  • Day Off/休息日:
    Wednesday星期三 / Public Holiday 公眾假期

  • Homepage/网站/網站/ホームページ:

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