(ENG/中文) Japan Travel Guide 横浜篇:<Grand Park >: 横滨水療膠囊酒店 / Yokohama Spa & Capsule Hotel / 橫濱實惠膠囊住宿 / スパ&カプセルホテル (好孩子 Goodboy Philip ガイド)

グランパーク イン横浜 スパ&カプセルホテル

🚿 (ENG/中文) Japan Travel Guide:横浜篇

< Grand Park >


Yokohama Spa & Capsule Hotel


(好孩子 Philip Goodboy Philip食レポグルメガイド) 🚿

When arranging Tokyo trip, many people would add Yokohama in the itinerary. Although Yokohama is part of Kanagawa, it is close to Tokyo and takes 45 minutes train going there.



In Yokohama, there are many good sightseeing spot. Recently, the Japanese drama 「逃げるは恥だが役に立つ」even makes it more popular because there are many drama scene shooting around. I also like it a lot. When staying over night in Yokohama, I tried, normal hotel, spa hotel and capsule hotel. This time I would like to introduce you a good Spa and Capsule mixed hotel.



This Spa and Capsule hotel serves both female and male guests. The first impression of this capsule hotel for me, it was not the capsule hotel simply for those whom missed final train and for overnight stay. It is somehow provide comfortable service style hotel. Let me show you!



After you entered the round about door entrance, you needed to take off your shoes and put them in the locker. Next you wore the one time used sleepers and took the shoes locker key to the conceige to check in. After finishing check in, the staff gave you a waist band with key and bar code on it to go into the hotel.

當進入迴旋式大門後,先脫下你的鞋子放在鞋櫃,穿出即用即棄的衛生拖鞋,取了鞋櫃鑰匙然後到櫃檯跟工作人員 check in。當完成手續後,他會給你一條可以圍在手腕的鑰匙和感應條碼上樓。

当进入回旋式大门后,先脱下你的鞋子放在鞋柜,穿出即用即弃的卫生拖鞋,取了鞋柜钥匙然后到柜台跟工作人员 check in。当完成手续后,他会给你一条可以围在手腕的钥匙和感应条码上楼。

On the ground floor, there are conceige, bar counter style small restaurants, comic and book shelf, relax area with sofa and bath house. Since I could not take photo of bath house, you can imagine that there are big hot and massage bath tub, cold water pond, sauna steam room, shower…etc. All cleaning jel and accessories were free to use.

在地下這個大堂地區,有 bar 枱小型餐廳、有漫漫和書櫃、也有集體休息區,而同層亦有大浴場。因為浴場內不可以攝影,就請大家幻想一下有熱水及泡泡按摩池、冷水池、桑拿房、沐浴處及梳洗區,梳洗和沐浴有免費的清潔用品提供。

在地下这个大堂地区,有 bar 台小型餐厅、有漫漫和书柜、也有集体休息区,而同层亦有大浴场。因为浴场内不可以摄影,就请大家幻想一下有热水及泡泡按摩池、冷水池、桑拿房、沐浴处及梳洗区,梳洗和沐浴有免费的清洁用品提供。

You can either walk upstair or go by lift up to the sleeping area. For private items, you can put it into locker. I think the locker is small that you can only put a bag instead of big luggage. You may give the luggage to staff to keep it. Inside the locker, there is a bag with big and small towels inside. You can use it after taking shower.



Near the lockers, there are grooming and decoration area. You can use tooth brush, cleaning jel, comb, hair dryer, etc freely.



The most important part is the sleeping area. You have to use the bar code on the waist band to scan and enter the room. The beds were arranged tidily inside. The blue and purple neon style like light made me sleepy…haha..It was so silent inside.

到了住宿最重要一部分,就是床位了。在睡眠區的門口,你需要把手上的膠帶條碼在掃描器掃描一下,Do 一聲後就可以進去了,所以出入一定要帶着膠帶啊。

到了住宿最重要一部分,就是床位了。在睡眠区的门口,你需要把手上的胶带条码在扫描器扫描一下,Do 一声后就可以进去了,所以出入一定要带着胶带啊。

Each column of beds are divided into upper and lower bed. Once you press the circle button, you can watch television, electric USB charge and bed light easily.



The area of the bed is around 3 feet times 6 feet. I think it is enough sleep. The pillows and mattresses were clean and white without smell. I slept comfortable there.



Overall the quality of this Spa & Capsule hotel is good and clean. The basic facilities are enough for normal use. The price is reasonable as 3000Yen depends on season and date. Moreover, the location is convenient that only 7 minutes to walk to Yokohama Station. Recommended! (Please don’t misunderstand that I am sales agent. I paid for myself and just want to share with you. I would write some bad ones here in future! Haha… 


整体来说,这间很不错,环境清洁卫生、设备完善足够、价格每晚大约3000円,视乎日子价格有调节。位置距离横滨车站步行不用十分钟也很方便。 (请不要误会我是推销员,是我自己付钱入住的,只是觉得值得推荐才写出来呢!那么下次我写一些不推荐的出来啦!哈哈!)

  • Address/地址/住所:
    2 Chome-1-5 Kitasaiwai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken 220-0004
    〒220-0004 神奈川県横浜市西区北幸2-1-5

  • Traffic/交通/斴近車站:
    Yokohama 横浜

  • Homepage/网站/網站/ホームページ:

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