(ENGLISH 中文) Movie Review: CLICK 给你一个可以控制人生的遥控器!谷歌点名#5 电影 CLICK 命運自選台 もしも昨日が選べたら

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😊 (ENGLISH 中文) (ENGLISH 中文) Movie Review: CLICK 給你一個可以控制人生的遙控器!谷歌点名#5 电影 CLICK 命運自選台 もしも昨日が選べたら 😊

If you have a "LIFE REMOTE CONTROLLER", how do you use it?


日本 :もしも昨日が選べたら

這是一套 2006年美國喜劇電影,由 Frank Coraci 法蘭克·可洛西執導,Mark O'Keefe 馬克·歐奇福、Mark O'Keefe 史帝夫·柯倫編劇。


故事內容敘述年輕建築師米高·紐曼(Adam Richard Sandler 阿當·桑迪拿飾演)有漂亮賢慧的妻子(Kate Beckinsale姬蒂碧金莎飾)和兩個活潑可愛的小孩,生活羡煞旁人;但他總把事業看得比其他一切重要。和妻兒同一屋簷下,卻難享天倫樂。一天,他在一所家庭用品店得到了一個神奇遙控器,米高赫然發現這個竟可遙控人生!它既可跳過無聊時間、暫停失控場面、甚至能倒轉時光回到被遺忘的美好時光。但這個命運遙控器漸漸記下米高的喜惡模式,並開始自動執行舊有指令。到米高發現萬能遙控不再受控時,他才頓時覺悟自己錯過了人生最美好的點


This is the Hollywood Comedy Movie in 2006. The story relates to a "remote control". In the story, Michael (Adam Richard Sandler) has a beautiful wife, great career and cute children. Life is beautiful. One day he bought a "remote control" from a store. This is not a simple controller. Michael can control it to see his "life"! Either fast forward to future or return to the past! He is curious of his future and keep using the remote control until it is malfunction. Finally, he was regret because...


看完後好孩子像跟著主角走進人生時光隧道!男主角運用"神奇遙控器不斷玩看到未來身邊人和事,電影初段娛樂性豐富,工作不斷往上爬,有趣笑料百出。中段開始對遙控器越來越變本加厲,不斷 fast forward,以求最快去到事業最頂點,對妻兒父母的日常小事不顧,但是遙控器推到最後,才發現失去至親及最愛,含淚帶住無限遺憾離開世界...

Movie Review

The movie brings me to "past" and "future"! At first, the story board is so funny and full of laugh. However, after Michael keeps moving fast forward and omit his simple daily life such as the time with wife and children. At last he lost his family...parents passed away...It makes me think of this life process deeply.

故事雖然笑料娛樂豐富,但是最令人反省是"光陰一去不回頭"及"珍惜眼前人" 其中有兩段令到好孩子眼睛也紅起來...不停反省一些看似普通也微不足道的事。但是有可能去到離開世界一日,這些漫不經心失去的原來才是生命最珍貴的東西...

Time flies and never comes back. We have to care the ones we love. The story is really touching at last. It is because audience like me has the same feeling as the actor. "Regret" when you can't go back to the past. The minor things actually are the most valuable things in your life. So, care the ones you love now!

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