經過忙碌的中秋節和翌日的假期之後,我們一家終於有時間可以到維多利亞公園逛逛每年都舉辦的中秋綵燈晚會。雖然連續個多兩個星期的天氣都極不穩定,今晚卻是難得的無雲無雨,加上Steemit.com 伺服器因為DDoS攻擊而極度不穩,令我可以更加專心和家人去欣賞綵燈。
After a very busy Mid-Autumn Festival and day after it, my family finally got some spare time to visit the Mid-Autumn Lantern Carnival in Victoria Park. I could be very focus on the carnival because Steemit.com was down due to DDoS attack.
Some of the lanterns were shut down, probably because it was the second last day of this carnival.
再走近一點就見到今年的主題展覽: 花燈紮作技藝展示。
As we got close to the carnival, we saw the exhibition on Traditional Craftsmanship of Lantern Making.
再過一些就是 : 學生綵燈作品展 - 星際銀河
Adjacent to it was an exhibition : Students' Lantern Display
Next to them were lanterns with themes of animals and Mid-Autume fairy tales and food.
然後就是這組以 「團。圓」為主題的光影裝置作品。
There was a set of lighting installation - "Reunion".
We passed through other Lanterns after "Reunion" and reached the Wishing trees.
Many people had already put their wishes on the "Wishing Peach Blossoms" trees.
We were hungry at that time so we decided to go back and have a last dinner. In our way, we found the the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance had one additional show at that time. However, my wifd decided not to go to the Fire Dragon Dance because they were very hungry. We then went straight to restaurant.
Wish you a happy weekend.
!steemitworldmap 22.282271 lat 114.188431 long d3scr