未说出口的爱:23年的友情 Forever Friendship 【谷歌点名第四期“情”】

Without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations, are silent joy and sharing.  


不知道你是否也有这样一位朋友,没有天天联系,甚至一年两年见一次面,但是见面之后倍感亲切与放松,可以跟对方诉说任何心事,聊任何话题,一起做任何事情, 不用顾忌那么多! 

Do you ever have such a friend like this: you do not contact each other everyday, and even only meet once a year, but once you're together, you two will be like one soul just in different bodies.


I'm very lucky have a friend that that, her name is Xia. We have been know each other for more than 23 years. We're friends since our childhood. Even though I do not remember much things about that period, I could recall some when I saw our old pictures.

(猜猜哪个小可爱是我?Guess which one is me?)


When we are little kids, she lived in her grandma's home, which is near my home, in this way, we become friends quickly, everyday, we played together, my home is her home. We lived like that for 2 years, and then we need to go school. She had to go back to her home. As I remembered, I was unhappy for a very long time since she left.

所幸的是,我们还有暑假,暑假一到,她便会被送来外婆家,我们有一个月的时间可以在一起,因为,另外一个月,我也会去我外婆家。我们会在一起写暑假作业,玩各种游戏,喜欢的衣服换着穿,当然我们也会吵架。只记得那一次是因为一盒水彩笔 ,也不记得是孰对孰错,事情缘由了,只知道那次吵完架我们很久没有理对方,而在和解之前她就被接回家去了。

Luckily, we have summer holiday. We can spend a whole month together. We will do our summer holiday homework together, play all kinds of games and exchange clothes, of course, we will quarrel with each other. I remembered once we quarrelled for a box of water color pens, I can not remember the details, what I know was after that quarrel, we did not speak to each other for several days, and she back to her home before we had a chance to back to good.


We being together like this until we graduated from primary school. And in  junior school, she can no longer stay at her grandma's home for a whole summer holiday, only ten days. However, we are still happy in that period. I was a girl always being a "well-behaved baby" in either parents' or teachers's eyes, and she was totally different, she was very active, didn't not like studying and always play together with boys. But this can never stop our friendship.


Finally, I went to the best high school, and she failed any school entrance examination. I tried to comfort her, but she stayed very strong and said this was just what she wished. I know she was really upset for a long time, and she just did not want to show.


In this way, I went to high school, and she began to work. We hardly have the chance to spent too much time together.  The only chance we can see each other was New Year, she came to visit her grandma, and we will spend several days together. I told her about my classmates and studies, she shared me about her working life.  We envy each other that time. I envied that she did not have so much hard shcool work, and she envied taht I did not worry about the scold from her boss.



When I went to college, we can seldom meet each other, she seldom answer my phone, just like disappeared. And the only way I heard about her was from her grandma. I know she suffered a lot living in an unfamiliar city. One year, she came back silently, when she stood in my front, I did not tell her, she changed, she dressed herself very fashion and colored her hair. We laughted and cried, just like back to the time in our childhood. She was still she in my heart no matter what other people sayying about her.

生活经历的不同,我们有着各自的朋友圈,也只是偶尔联系,不刻意,不强求,每年见一面,这样刚刚好。即使我们没有说出口,我们也互相知道我们的友谊一直在,且永不灭。 如今她已为人妻,有着一个幸福的家庭,愿她此生都像儿时般那么快乐!

We have our own social life. We just contact each other occassionally and meet each other once a year, neither on purpose nor scheduled. Although we never speak out, we know our friendship is there and never fade away. Now she had her lovely family, wish she will be happy forever.


To our 23 years' friendship!  

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