外婆喊你回家吃饭啦 Grandma's diet

 East or west, home is best!


Wherever you are, home is the warmest place in your heart, whatever you eat; home cooking is the best diet. 


  There’s a restaurant called “Grandma’s Home”, it is my favorite restaurant during these years away from home. 
As I remembered, the first time I was attracted by the lovely kid’s voice: 
“Number XXX, Grandma is calling you to have a meal, 
Uncles,aunties, sisters and brothers, pls waiting patient, 
Pls take your belongs with you…” 


Will you attracted by this voice? Every time I go to “Grandma’s Home”, there will be a long queue. So I always go there a hour ago. 


I like the decoration there, give me a feeling of ancient just like my grandma’s old house, which decorated with wood and has high roof beam. Standing before the door, you will see three sculptures bowing to welcome guests.  


Sit down by the table; you will see chopsticks in the holder which made with wood, the waiter will bring you a cup of tea and the menu  


Every time, I will order Shrimp and roast meat  

以前我是但凡肉中带有一点肥,我必然是拒绝的,而现在我却被这肥瘦相间的外婆烤肉所折服,肥而不腻,甚是喜欢。 Before I taste the roast meat here, I never eat the fat meat, but now I love it.  

我喜欢去“外婆家”吃饭,除了菜色装修外,最主要的还是带有一些个人感情色彩吧,我喜欢我外婆烧的菜,每每去外婆家,外婆总是精心准备各种我爱吃的菜肴,红烧肉,鸡翅,鱿鱼,腐竹,莲藕,花生米…. 虽然外婆已经走了5年了,但是这些味道我是永远忘不了的。 

Except the decoration and the dishes, there’s another personal reason I like eating here. I enjoy and miss the dishes my grandma cooked for me, every time I went to my grandma’s home, she will cook many dishes I love. Although my grandma pasted away for 5 year, I still remember the taste of the dishes she cooked, and will never forget.  

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