Everybody heard about OFO, what about shared car? If not, allow me to share with you today.
小伙伴们都听说过共享单车吧,那有没有听说过共享汽车呢?如果没有的话,今天就让我带大家了解下共享汽车吧 .
1. 扫描车身二维码,下载“Gofun”客户端
2. 使用手机号登录APP,上传身份证,驾驶证实名认证并交699押金
3. 开启订单,APP一键开车门,车内钥匙启动,踏上旅途
4. 归还至指定还车网点,拍照关门结算即可
I believe many friends have the experience of renting cars, at first, you need make an appointment, and then the staff of the car rental company will drive the car to a named place, you need to check the car and then sign the contract, pay the deposit. After that, when you finished renting, you need to return the car to their specific place. This is very complicated and exist many problems. It should be an easy thing now sometimes turns out to be complicated. In this situation, shared car appears, allow me show you the procedure of using the shared car:
1. Scan the QR code on the car, and download the “Gofun” app
2. Sign up with your phone, and upload your ID card and driving license to identify yourself and then make the 699 RMB deposit.
3. Choose a place to return the card and activate the order in your app, then step into the car and enjoy your journey
4. Return the car to the place you choose, take photos and pay the fee
Only four steps, you can enjoy the journey with shared car. Well, someone will ask where can you find the shared car and what’s the price. As I know, for now, shared car only exists in Beijing, Guilin and Qingdao, and price will be different in different cities. In Guilin, it is 1.1 RMB one kilos + 0.1 RMB one minute. I believe in the future not long, shared car will appear in many cities. If you love OFO, you might love to try shared car, there are many advantages, especially for those love traveling to other cities.
社会不断进步,新鲜事物层出不绝,欲见共享飞机,请听下回分解! :)
The society make progress every day, and new things are endless, if you want hear shared plane, see you next time! :)
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