美在银杏叶黄时 Street Photography Contest

Hi Steemit Friends,

Recently, I fell in love with photography contest. Like yesterday, I take part in the B&W Photo Contest by @daveks, the theme is Landscape. Three days ago, I also joined the Steemit Photo Challenge by @jamtaylor, theme is Oriental, and for this post is the entry for the Street Photography Contest by @juliank.

大家好,最近,有点爱上了摄影比赛,之前参加了 @daveks 举办的黑白照片比赛,还有 @jamtaylor举办的steemit摄影比赛,主题东方. 今天这篇帖子是我参加 @juliank举办的周五街道摄影比赛作品。


This photo was taken in December 2013, it is my first year came to Suzhou,and also it is the first time I saw the beauty of Ginkgo. I never know the Ginkgo Tree could be used as urban road afforestation.Look, the branches hang down in the trees,when wind comes, the leaves falling off the trees just like dancing with the winter rhythm, and of course the land is not their end, they still trying to dance with the wind and told us winter is coming!



The contest theme: Street Photography

Location:Daoqian Street in Suzhou

Camera:Nikon D5300 18-55mm


As I remembered, that morning, I took my camera and take the bus to Pingjiang Road, it is a famous place of interest in Suzhou. In the bus, I sat beside the window, and looked outside, when the bus drove to the Daoqian Street, I was totally attracted by the street, all in yellow and the leaves are dancing in the wind. I got off the bus right now when the bus stopped. I know I had to take a shot of it.So these photos came. Do you like them?


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