Speak of the Northeast, what’s your first impression?
My friends and I were born and grew up in South of China, so every time we talk about the Northeast, all of us become very excited and wishing one day could visit that place, to see the blue sky and the white snow. I plan to visit there in winter, but plan changes because of a friend’s wedding ceremony. Although there’s no snow in this season, the blue sky is enough. Follow me, I will show you.
The first place we visit is the biggest open-cast coal in Asia; local people in Fushun call it “Big Pit”, it started from 1901, till now, it’s over 100 years. No entrance ticket needed for this place, and there are two perfect visiting spot. We do not go down the pit since we do not have tight schedule, but only stand in the side; we can feel the grand of it. The other side seems stand in the smog, and can never see the bottom, the mine tunnels are cross bedding, just like terrace. Can you imagine this magnificent landscape is made by humans?
The second place to go is the famous Sarhu Landscape, “Sarhu” is a language of Manchu, which means“Cupboard”, I think that means the trees and other natural products are rich here. In the past times, it also has another name “Dahuofang Reservoir”, because it indeed a reservoir, it is the important drinking water source for citizens in Shenyang and Fushun. It is really a holiday paradise, and no entrance ticket at all, you can enjoy the mountain, the water and the sky. There’s a path down to the side of reservoir, the pictures taken there look like in the seaside.
从萨尔浒风景区回来已经是晚饭时间啦,我们去川婆婆吃的。最后一盘是送的红酒雪梨, 本来我是不爱吃梨的,但是这个红酒雪梨还蛮好吃的呢.
It is super time when we finish our tour; we eat in “Chuanpopo” restaurant.
8 pm in the night, we go to the Natural Park of Crescent Island to enjoy the music fountain.
Here’s a small video:
这其实是去东北的第二天了,第一天去的是皇家海洋乐园,上一篇文章 我和大白鲸有个约会
Actually, this is the second day I arrived the Northeast, the first day I went to the national ocean park, the details is in my last post Dating With White Whale
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