Have you ever dreamt about your steps can be worth a lot? 你有想過令你每天走的路都變得有價值嗎?



Every day, we walk a lot and our steps are everywhere in the cities and even other countries, but have you thought of that you steps worth money? Or they can be used to do something good for the needy? I believe many of us have a jogging habit and your steps can be fully utilised using the two apps below:




If Bitcoin is mined using your computer's hashing power and Steem is mined through your social networking activities, then Sweatcoin is mined using your outdoor steps. The app uses the accelerometer and GPS in your smartphone to accurately calculate your outdoor steps and avoid cheating. Every 1000 steps can be converted to 0.95 Sweatcoin. The team is based in London.



I have connected the app with my own Facebook account. I have generated 970 SWC so far, and you can also view your stats here. The joggers can also easily check their daily progress here.


雖然現在SWC不能兌換成真實的金錢,但你可以透過SWC兌換很多不同的產品如Apple Watch 2、Snapchat Spectacles等超正的產品。

Although the Sweatcoins cannot be converted to real money now, they can be used to buy many different products and services which also include some awesome products like Apple Watch 2 and Snapchat Spectacles. I just can't wait to get one for myself!

創辦人Oleg Fomenko還說他打算把Sweatcoin轉化為真正的金錢,成爲虛擬貨幣呢!

The co-founder and CEO, Oleg Fomenko, said that his aim is to let Sweatcoin to be converted to real money one day!

Charity Miles



It's our nature to help the people around us who are in need, and we shouldn't hesitate to do so. However, we may not have sufficient money or we are just too lazy to donate money to charity. This mobile app can help solving this situation, you don't even need to spend a dime to donate money to charity with this awesome app.



Every mile you walk is sponsored by a company which cooperates with Charity Miles. You just need to walk, and they will do the rest. You can even choose a specific cause to donate the money. There are a lot of charitable organisations to choose which have different aims and targets. You can help people with cancer, the homeless , children and the people with a specific kind of disease.



For example, I believe that everyone has the basic human rights to have access to clean drinking water, so I often choose this charity.


There is already over two millions of US dollars are raised and donated to charity up to May, 2017.



You can also connect with your own Facebook account and check your records. I have already walked for more than 300 miles and I hope that more people will find this useful and help more people in need.

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