[Travel Life 德奧遊記第一章] - Salzburg X Hallstatt [Day 1 & 2] - (中文/ENG)


Hi there! It has been so long that I haven't uploaded anything here. But I'm back with a new series about my wonderful 14-days journey in Austria and Germany with my girlfriend! The story will be splited into several parts and I can't wait to share with you all the great experiences we've had in these 14 days!

準備好了嗎?好,先來看看我為大家準備的影片吧 (有英文字幕)!喜歡的話記住點個讚 :)

If you're ready, let's go! Watch this video about our stay in Salzburg and Hallstatt! (Eng subtitled)

我們的第一站是薩爾斯堡,抵步後第一件事要做的就是到中央火車站附近的旅館辦入住手續,把重重的行李放下後就可以輕鬆的遊走薩爾斯堡舊城區囉! (口說輕鬆,但因為我們是搭早班機,所以去到旅館後已經很累,躺在床上簡直是不想離開...)

Our first stop was Salzburg. The first thing we did after landing on the Austrian soil was to check in at our hostel, which was located near to the Salzburg central railway station (Hauptbahnhof).

舊城區有很多著名景點 (這城區可是世界歷史遺產),包括薩爾斯堡大教堂和格特萊德街,我們還經過了音樂天才莫札特的出生地!

Then we had a walk in the Salzburg old town (Altstadt), which has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1996. We visited places like the gorgeous Salzburg cathedral, the famous Getreidegasse and we also walked past the birthplace of Mozart!

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(薩爾斯堡大教堂 Salzburg cathedral)


One of the special features of the street is those store signs hung above the shops along the Getriedegasse. It's alleged that those signs were put up there so people who couldn't read well would know what the shops were selling back then.

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(格特萊德街 Getreidegasse)


Since we were both extremely tired (in German: Todmüde) and hungry, we didn't walk too much in the old town. Soon we found ourselves in an Italian restaurant, where we ordered a pizza and a seafood risotto. The atmosphere there was fine but the risotto was way too salty.



第二天,重頭戲來了!我們一早就去到中央火車站,從那裡搭約一個小時巴士(150號)前往一個叫Bad Ischl的地方,然後從Bad Ischl搭火車去到哈爾施塔特火車站,最後再搭渡輪越湖抵達哈爾施塔特鎮。聽起來很複雜是嗎?但當你去到哈爾施塔特,你就會覺得一切也是值得的!況且我們只是在奧地利國鐵網站買票 (https://tickets.oebb.at/en/ticket/),再在中央火車站取票,十分方便,就算不懂德文也能做到的 :)

On the next day, we arrived the central railway station early in the morning and our journey to Hallstatt began. We had to first take bus150 from the central station to a place called Bad Ischl. From there, we took a train to Hallstatt railway station, where we could then take a boat ride across the beautiful lake and finally reach the little yet amazing town of Hallstatt! It sounds complicated, but it's worth it! (and we actually just bought the ticket online and collected the tickets at the central railway station, so it's super convenient! https://tickets.oebb.at/en/ticket/)

(我們就是乘這火車前往哈爾施塔特 This train brought us from Bad Ischl to Hallstatt railway station)

From here, I guess I should shut up and show you guys some photos of the amazing Hallstatt!!


(被高山和湖泊包圍著的哈爾施塔特,一切也很平靜。Surrounded by the tall mountains and the quiet lake, I could find peace in this little town. )


(如果我每天也可以看到這美景... If I could enjoy this stunning view everyday...)


就這樣,我們在哈爾施塔特留了整個下午,在這個小鎮中慢步享受,也不忘把美好回憶拍下來。其實這裡還有個歷史悠久的鹽礦,但因為不太夠時間而且覺得不太特別,所以沒有上去參觀。如果你想知道更多有關鹽礦的資料,可以到這裡看看 (https://www.salzwelten.at/en/hallstatt/opening-times/)

We spent the afternoon wandering around the town, taking pictures while enjoying the beautiful scenery there. There’s an old salt mine in Hallstatt, however, we didn’t have enough time for it. If you want to know more about the salt mine, click here: (https://www.salzwelten.at/en/hallstatt/opening-times/)

小小想法: 哈爾施塔特真的很美麗很平靜,希望我們不要把它過度開發,令它變成一個只有商業味道的地方吧!

I hope you like this story, please comment below and tell me what you think about it. I'm looking forward to reading them all :)

Stay tuned for my next post :)
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