The Superiority of Graphene technology has been proved by Bitshares, Steem and EOS. Many successful projects have been using Graphene/DPOS instead of bitcoin/pow, such as Peerplays, YOYOW, Gxshares(GXS). Also, many more projects are planning to use Graphene.
However, the lack of developers' documents and the lack of communication between developers result in a slower than expected spread speed of Graphene in blockchain world.
Luckily, bitcrab, the founder of, who is also the core leader of Bitshares Chinese community, is calling on a Graphene Developers' Conference on 20th January, in Shanghai. He will also sponsor this conference. The rest of us in Chinese Bitshares community will be volunteers.
Anyone who is interested in Graphene from all over the world will be welcomed ! And please leave your message if you know any project that are using Graphene technology.
Keep tuned, thanks.
石墨烯(Graphene)协议诞生于2015年,是一种利用布隆过滤器(bloom filter)以及可逆式布鲁姆查找表(IBLT)降低带宽将区块传播到全节点的新方法,其发明者是Daniel Larimer, 他已经将这个技术应用到了他所创始的Bitshares, Steem, 以及EOS三个项目中。
石墨烯由于其优良的性能,比如区块小,速度块,吞吐量高,性能稳定等等,逐渐被越来越多的项目所采用。除了三驾马车BTS, STEEM, EOS之外,还有国内外众多的明星项目也采用了石墨烯作为底层,比如国外的Peerplays, Golos, 国内的YOYOW,公信宝等等。此外,目前很多即将启动的项目也想选择石墨烯作为他们的底层协议。