Using Android+Wechat for a better Bitshares User experience 一台安卓手机加微信玩转比特股

Recently, in addition to the two new Bitshares web wallet I introduced here

There have been more exciting progress in Chinese community--- A wechat mini APP and an android mobile wallet.

ICO wallet---an android wallet for participating ICOs:

If you have an android, you may go to to download the android app, after installing it, it will be like the below. To note that this is 1.0 version, and it only supports android for now. Besides looking up the prices of different assets, you can also buy/sell your assets, specifically, you can buy the ICO coins via the wallet in a fast way, as it is supported by a private but powerful API which is only open to the users of this wallet.

Very simple but concise layout.

BTS DEX mini APP in Wechat ---a perfect APP to replace cryptofresh

This program is even more convenient for use, you can use it in any phone that has wechat installed. You may check the price of asset, the depth of market, and the account balance of any ID. Using this mini APP, you don't need to rely on to check the details of BTS blockchain everytime.



对于ICO wallet来说,目前它仅支持安卓手机,通过ICO wallet, 你不但可以查看价格,还可以买卖资产,尤其是,你可以快速的参与最热门的ICO,并且以最快的速度。为什么说最快的速度呢? 因为这个钱包的API服务器是隐秘的,仅对该钱包用户开放的,所以相当于独占资源,自然快人一步。


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