Blood donation is very important ,as we all have possibility to get injured seriously in an accident and requires lots of fresh bloods. So when I know a team from Red Cross will visit my school to hold a blood donation , I applied immediately and this is my first time to do so
在測試血紅素的時候,好幾個跟我一起來的朋友都被篩走,當中居然有血紅素過高的。。。我也是無言了,而我則是13.5 比最低要求13 高一點點。於是就開始了抽血的過程,先量一下血壓,然後我選了350cc 的血包,姑娘幫我的手消毒一下就把針插進去了,乾淨俐落也沒有很痛,看著自己的血源源不絕地流進袋子裡有一種微妙的感覺XD 在抽的過程要不斷重複握緊拳頭的動作,為的是把血送進手臂裡加速抽血的過程,說真的還蠻累的。
the haemoglobin test disqualified few of my friends, and one of them exceed the standard LOL .Luckily I am 13.5 which slightly higher than the lowest limit of 13. So after measuring blood pressure , the process started . First disinfect the skin above the blood vessel on my arm , and quickly inject the needle, actually there are not much pain at all . Looking at my blood flowing into the blood bag bring me some strange feelings XD
其後在休息的時候跟工作人員聊了一下,他亦解答了一些社會上的迷思,很多人覺得近日血庫告急是因為外來人士過多而致,然而實際情況是人口老化的關係,較多病痛的老人家需要血的情況越來越多。 此外亦回答了到底香港的血液去哪了是運回了大陸嗎?他就說有法例規管血液是不能出口的,而且何必從香港拿血呢?大陸隨便就能夠買到大量血液了。 另外我也問了私立醫院對於輸血服務收取昂貴的費用是用市民免費的血液來牟利嗎?他就說血液其實沒有收取費用的,費用在於行政、儲存血液、運送、檢驗、以及輸血抽血所用的工具跟儀器等等,他還說連那個小小的血包也要好幾百塊呢。
this is my little sharing , upvote if u like:) and remember to donate blood for the community