在我家裡測量震盪跟噪音的儀器 the instrument that measure noice and vibration in my home


話說我家好死不死的剛好位於高鐵工程路段的上方數十米,沒錯就是那個大白象工程,而挖掘工程令我家牆壁出現龜裂、路邊也出現裂痕。於是我家聯絡了港鐵投訴港鐵亦為我家做了一些維修。而最近工程完畢,開始有工程車在隧道通過,而我家就像地鐵站旁的屋子一樣明顯感受到震動跟噪音,我們再次聯絡了港鐵,而他們就安裝了一個儀器來測量噪音跟震動的程度。這個粗糙的木箱我想應該是DIY 出來的,目的是保護裡面的儀器、不受外界干擾確保檢測所得的數據是來自地底吧。

well my home located on part of the express rail link route . The project damaged my home and made some cracking on walls and floors , we contacted MTR for compensation and repairing.And these days there are trains moving on the rail (I guess is for testing or sth like that) I can feel vibration and hear noice in everywhere in my home every half hour in midnight .So we contacted the MTR again and they sent a team to measure the noice and vibration. They put the apparatus inside a DIY wooden box , I guess is to reduce error due to surrounding noice and protect the apparatus



I could hardly imagine the situation of my home when the railway started to run , but I can do nothing for it as such a big project won’t make changes for such minor “mistakes “

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